PSA: Don't use cheap 10440 batteries in a hot light (Olight i3E EOS)


Dec 22, 2015
This was the cell:

And the battery I received is not a DQG but a "LIR 350mAh". Still, has worked fine until now and measures 320 mAh @ 0,5 amp discharge.

Here's what happened after 7 minutes in the Olight:


Btw, the cell hasn't expanded. It is just the wrapper that is shrunk due to the heat.
I used the same battery in the Astrolux A01 for 17 minutes with no problems, but the Olight probably drew quite a bit more current.

The Olight i3E EOS measured 343 lumens @ 30 sec with the 10440 while the A01 produced 226. Amazing, but probably only usable outside when it's below freezing.
I stopped using my Efest IMR 350s in my i3s, as the light just got too hot and the output wasn't all that much brighter than it was with a standard Eneloop AAA.

2 minutes on high and that light was glowing!

maukka when did you order the DQG-branded 10440's from GB? And when did you receive the package?

I am also looking into ordering these DQG-branded 10440's from GB, same SKU.

I would open a paypal case if they delivered a different branded 10440 battery. It's a guess that LIR10440 and DQG10440 are identical products (same factory same brander same SKU) but when i order a DQG-branded product then i expect to receive a DQG-branded product.
Ordered on 31.12.2015 and got them on 21.1.2016.

Thanks for the data!

I will order them too once my protected/unprotected Ultrafire 10440's are dead. I am switching to a new keychain light and it supports protected 10440's of any size. With wonderful efficiency on 10440's fwiw.
In a SS or Copper or Ti light that probably means POOF

Is the exposed section the battery negative? If so, then would it not be the switch, rather than the battery, that would be short-circuited? If I have this right, then your flashlight would not go poof, but you would not be able to turn it off.
Yes, the exposed part is the negative terminal. Probably shorts quite easily if not stored properly, but the protective sheet on the plus terminal is still intact.
I stopped using my Efest IMR 350s in my i3s, as the light just got too hot and the output wasn't all that much brighter than it was with a standard Eneloop AAA.

2 minutes on high and that light was glowing!


Hmmmm! I am guessing that you did not get the same output as the OP did w/ his cheaper 10440 batteries? He got 390 lumens after 30 sec. That should be noticeable compared to 85 from an enloop or Alkaline?

OP's review thread below:
Hmmmm! I am guessing that you did not get the same output as the OP did w/ his cheaper 10440 batteries? He got 390 lumens after 30 sec. That should be noticeable compared to 85 from an enloop or Alkaline?

OP's review thread below:

Mine is the i3S and while it was a bit brighter on high, it wasn't worth the difference and having it heat up in under two minutes.

Your mileage may differ. I don't carry it, or my L3 L10, which does the same thing with a 14500. They're sufficient enough for most all of my EDC purposes, running on a NiMH.

Now, I do carry 16340s in my EDC D25C Ti. clicky and V11R, but those have better heat-mitigation than the two others and I can go 3-5 minutes before they start getting too hot to hold.

Aluminum conducts heat very well and there's not a lot of mass on the i3E/S lights, so they get toasty fast. Then there's the capacity difference between the 10440 and AAA.


So the EFEST IMR 350's FT's worked ok in your i3S? I would think so since it has a protruding FT and you mentioned them.

I never use mine for more than 1 minute at a time! Basically instead of turning light on to go down the steps, I use my i3E to light the way from there to my car for my night hikes w/ CAPO! In that sense heat won't be an issue

So the EFEST IMR 350's FT's worked ok in your i3S? I would think so since it has a protruding FT and you mentioned them.

I never use mine for more than 1 minute at a time! Basically instead of turning light on to go down the steps, I use my i3E to light the way from there to my car for my night hikes w/ CAPO! In that sense heat won't be an issue

My Efest are IMR and have button tops, IIRC. They fit and worked, unlike the EVVA 14500 Sanyos that didn't fit anything, but those were obviously protected.

Both are in the fridge in a deep sleep.

I love my little i3s and it would be on my keychain if I didn't have a Battery Junction coin cell flat light on there.

I GOOGLED Efest 10440 button tops and found a comment by you on a thread from last September!

While they might be flat tops per se, they protrude from the wrapper close to 1mm and make contact with my Olight I3S easily enough.



My Flat tops also protrude so they should work,,,,,I will find out tomorrow or Saturday!
I GOOGLED Efest 10440 button tops and found a comment by you on a thread from last September!

While they might be flat tops per se, they protrude from the wrapper close to 1mm and make contact with my Olight I3S easily enough.



My Flat tops also protrude so they should work,,,,,I will find out tomorrow or Saturday!


They've been in the fridge for over a year, lol.


Btw, the cell hasn't expanded. It is just the wrapper that is shrunk due to the heat.

I think its safe to say "don't use cheap 10440 batteries," no qualifier prepositional phrasing necessary.

But is it really fair to blame the cells for a wrapper shrunk from user applied heat in a flashlight that makes no claim of supporting 10440? Is there any such thing as a heat shrunk wrapper that is immune from heat shrinking? Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, and you're jesting and sharing an experience, not really blaming the cells. In which case... carry on.
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Is it really fair to blame the cells for a wrapper shrunk from user applied heat in a flashlight that makes no claim of supporting 10440? Is there any such thing as a heat shrink wrapper that is immune from heat shrinking? Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, and you're jesting and sharing an experience, not really blaming the cells.

I don't blame the cell. I have shrink wraps for my 18650s, but I don't know how much they shrink, further than the 18650 size.
