quark 123 clip removal


Newly Enlightened
May 26, 2009
I have searched endless threads looking for the trick to removing the clip. Is it possible to remove and how is it done. please excuse if I missed the thread. I need help because the clip is very annoying.:thinking:
I have searched endless threads looking for the trick to removing the clip. Is it possible to remove and how is it done. please excuse if I missed the thread. I need help because the clip is very annoying.:thinking:

Cannot be removed
Indeed it can be removed-I did it with my Ti 123. I had to use 2 pair of pliers to separate the head from the body. If you look in the Marketplace in the 4sevens Mfr's forum, you can find a thread there (sorry I do not have it handy).

Good luck!
I just broke my clip off then used a file to smooth out the small part that remained. No issues since.

Indeed it can be removed. Nice and tiddly.

Here you go> http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=247992

Basically you will need to open the head by rotating the bezel using two pairs of pliers (protect it first with a thick cloth to avoid scratching the finish). Than simply remove the clip (it is not glued or anything. It just sits there), remove the glue residue from the threads using a needle or something, apply some good lube and you are good to go!
You will always be able to place the clip back on whenever you wish. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a Quark 123 with removable clip!
See the pictures on the thread above so you can have a better idea of what to expect...
EDIT: the pictures show a "no clip" version of the light, so you won't see the clip, but once you get it opened, you will get the idea.
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Just wanted to share that this thread came in handy for me. I'm getting ready to buy a Quark 123 and was debating clip vs. no clip myself. I think I'm going no clip. The only reason I was even considering it would be for anti-roll. I don't use clips for pocket carry and I don't wear a hat since I started shaving my head 3 years ago (OMG I can't believe it's been that long!!). What I do want is to purchase the prism kit as well and make this light be used for a headlamp option also, and that's even one more reason not to get the clip as it can tear up the headband.
There are two ways to remove the clip:

1) Open up the head and remove the clip. Good luck getting it open. I wasn't able to bust through the locktite, but you may have better luck.

2) If you can't get the head open, just break the clip off and file/dremel the rest down smooth. This can be a little tricky.

Either way, the leftover slot just happens to be a wonderful size for a trit. :naughty:

If you have the choice, I do recommend going for the no clip version, as rotating the head has the nasty side effect of causing the clip to scratch the tailcap.