Quark AA Tritium?


Dec 4, 2008
Miramar, FL
Has anyone else thought of maybe getting some tritium vials and suspending them with some Norland in the tailcap of the Quark series flashlights? I myself have a QAA and I've got an order from Rob coming in soon, I was wondering if I should shell out for some small vials and try it. Any thoughts? Think the tailcap will do the job well/is it thick enough around the button?
Well, to the 45 people who viewed this thread, just wanted to let you guys know that I ordered some trits from Rob (Lummi) and as soon as they get here, I'm going to use some tape and Norland 61 to get some trits in this guy! I'm pretty sure those trits will serve well. The guys at 4sevens didn't give me measurements for the oblong holes when I wrote to them so I had to take my own crude measurements. I'm sure the hot Florida sun will really help cure the trits in place quickly!
Isn't the point of the moon mode that you don't ever turn the light off?
You can just recharge your eneloops or 14500.
thats only if you're holding or know where the light is already

what if you don't? and you don't have a flashlight with you? so what can you do? lol ;)
Maybe, but as a wise man once said . . .
"You may be right,
I may be crazy . . . "

Well, I love trits. Yours is the best reason I've heard not to do it, but I know I'll love it even more when I've got it done! Come on, tell me you won't want pics just out of curiousity?
bump for any trit ideas for quarks in general? im itching to put one in.

Could you please merge this (my) older thread with the newer thread that was started when that person couldn't bother himself to use the search to see if that topic already existed? It's here.

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Sorry to bump a somewhat dead thread, but what size vials did you order? I haven't received my Quark yet so i can't measure the holes but I DEFINITELY want to do this tritium mod, it seems really useful and functional. (And cool looking!)

Edit: On second thought, though, your info may not work for me because I ordered a 123 so I imagine the holes will be a different size. Also, are the vials flexible so they curve with the cylinder?

Edit 2: I messaged B@rt and he told me that they are not really flexible.
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