Question about batteries for the lantern people


Jun 7, 2006
Pa, U.S.
I was wondering why the favored battery for a lot of these lanterns is AA? Is it because they're cheap and readily available? I would think that lanterns powered by AA would be more for overnight use and less for rugged week or more hiking, is that correct? What is the preferred battery type for backpackers/long campers?
I do not camp, but I use a Coleman 123A powered lantern for my volunteer emegency work. I do have a AA powered lantern also, but I prefer the Coleman because having it allows me to carry one set of batteries to power all of my flashlights, headlamps, and lantern. No need to carry batteries of different sizes. Space and light weight both count in my world also. I chose the 123A format simply because all of my "duty" lights are 123A powered.