Question regarding laser lifetime


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2005
Hi there, to start off i guess i could tell you that my previous experience with lasers has not been too good.
I started of by getting a 50mw true laserpointer from DX which accually performed real well the first week, but then after 2 weeks it started dropping a lot in performance after 20-60seconds of use on new batteries. I've read here on the forum that this has happened to some others.

So now i'm looking for a new laser pointer, that will hopefully last longer than the DX one.

My question is simply, how long does a laser usually last if only kept on for 1minute cycles (1minute on max, then 1minute off)?
And i know this has probably been asked a million times but please; which laser would you say performs the best? I don't just mean the most stable output, i mean which is the sturdiest, which brand, in your experience, has the longest lifetime? :p (I do not want the dx thing to happen again)
I hope this made sense ;D

**EDIT**: spelling ;D probably more, live with it.
Hi, if you want pen lasers, check out Nova laser, and if you want more powerful lasers, check out Laserglow. They are both run by the same person, and the quality is much better than DX, so is the price.