Either the Titanium or Sanyo 2700mAh or the Enduro or Hybrio 2100mAh. I haven't used Titanium brand cells, but they have a good rep around here.
The 2700mAh will offer the most overall capacity, but these big cells have been known to develop very high self discharges after awhile, and still suffer normal self discharge issues of NIMH in the best case.
The Enduro, like Eneloops, have a flatter discharge curve. The first month or so, they'll appear like normal NIMH (basically, per-sample variance is greater than the lesser discharge), but then lose very little over time. Overall, while lower in capacity, they are the best all-around AA rechargeable types. If you leave the battery in the torch for a few months, it will still have plenty of juice to use it for awhile, which may not be the case with the high capacity batteries.
In a regulated torch, the 2700mAh should last about 80% as long as the Lithium AAs, and the 2100mAh 60-70% as long.
On the cheap, a rapid charger can do, but don't get a 15 minute one or something like that. it should take a few hours to charge cells. Otherwise, get decent smart charger. The main difference will be many charges your cells will keep high capacity over.