Rechargeable 18650 in Fenix TK12 R5


Newly Enlightened
Aug 14, 2010
The Lan Dow Nunda
G'day all. I've just signed up after a cuppla weeks of lurking

I'm about to buy either a Fenix TK 12 R5 or TK 11 R5
This will be a MASSIVE step up from my 20 year old trusty mini maglite. I reckon I'll be able to actually see what I'm doin' at gigs in future (I'm a live sound engineer/Lighting tech)

Is it ok to use these rechargeable batteries in the Fenix torches?


p.s. I'm not 100% sure if I'm allowed to post the above link but figured it was the easiest way to ask my question. Sorry if I've done wrong
If you're actually working in dark, TK12 has better low mode, so not to blind yourself, allthough 11 lumens might be too much when working close up in dark.
TK12 needs the separate extension tube for 18650.

The kit in your link seems quite pricey for ultrafire batteries.

AW P18650 are only $14.75(usd) each, wich would still leave you around $20 for charger compared to to the kit on the link.

The charger in that kit looks alot like DSD wich is around $7.

Oh... and :welcome:
Indeed. TK12 R5 doesnt need extension tube. Only the old TK12 225lumen version and the TK12 R2 version with 240lumens need the extension tube for 18650 battery.
Thanks for the replies and welcomes

I tried to reply to this thread yesterday but my reply never made it.

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