Recomend "Off Duty" LEO Light


Newly Enlightened
Apr 22, 2005
There are many threads out there discussing the right light for law enforcement use. I personally carry a Surefire M2 with a BOG drop in (great, by the way). My question, however, is for "off" duty use.

My needs are simple, and two-fold. I need a low level light (<= 3-5 lumens or so) to get me from my car, into the house, and into bed when I get off shift at midnight (family is asleep). However, I also need a very bright light with great throw in case of an off duty emergency (in short, I am of the school of thought that if you CCW, you should have a light, too). Now, I currently carry a Surefire A2 with a Lumens Factory (unfrosted) bulb.

BUT, its "new light time" and I want a quality one cell LED. So, after this long build up, do you think a Novatac EDC or RA Clickey (or some other) can fit the bill. In other words, I know they can handle the low light needs, but can they deliver a blinding spot at 25-50 yards to illuminate a "target" if need be in the real world.

How about a Surefire E1B Backup or and L1 Lumamax?

Both have nice lows and shoot like lasers!
Novatac EDC hands down......:thumbsup:

Very nice high/low.... ( sounds wrong---:green: :laughing:)

And a very smooth beam....

There are many threads out there discussing the right light for law enforcement use. I personally carry a Surefire M2 with a BOG drop in (great, by the way). My question, however, is for "off" duty use.

My needs are simple, and two-fold. I need a low level light (<= 3-5 lumens or so) to get me from my car, into the house, and into bed when I get off shift at midnight (family is asleep). However, I also need a very bright light with great throw in case of an off duty emergency (in short, I am of the school of thought that if you CCW, you should have a light, too). Now, I currently carry a Surefire A2 with a Lumens Factory (unfrosted) bulb.

BUT, its "new light time" and I want a quality one cell LED. So, after this long build up, do you think a Novatac EDC or RA Clickey (or some other) can fit the bill. In other words, I know they can handle the low light needs, but can they deliver a blinding spot at 25-50 yards to illuminate a "target" if need be in the real world.


I would recommend EDCing the same light that you normally do and getting a good keychain light for when you don't need or want a lot of light. I edc a Vital Gear 3 cell body with a E-series head and a Lumens Factory EO-E2R bulb running on two 17500's and that's what I do. I use a red Photon 3 that runs off of a 2032 coin cell battery on my keychain, but any keychain light should do up to an ARC-AAA.
I have several SF that have their place either as my primary hand-held (M3), back up on the duty belt (M2 w/M60) or carried in my go bag (G2, G2Z w/m60). I also have others that are "laying around" (6P's, 6PDL, E2O, E2D, E1B) in the SUV or nightstand. I have carried one or the other off duty (in the past), but have found that I prefer to carry a Novatac 120T (off-duty) for the past year or so, and have since purchased one for my better half as well as another extra back-up.

The N-120T gives me the flexibility to use the low setting for navigating in the dark house, the medium setting for a utility light when needed, and the high setting for lighting up objects at farther distances. The Strobe function is also nice for when you find yourself "needing it". I've found the 120T to be flexible enough to be a utility light as well as an off-duty fighting light.

I suggest looking for a light that you CAN use in an off-duty tactical situation in case you find yourself in a jam.
There are many threads out there discussing the right light for law enforcement use. I personally carry a Surefire M2 with a BOG drop in (great, by the way). My question, however, is for "off" duty use.

My needs are simple, and two-fold. I need a low level light (<= 3-5 lumens or so) to get me from my car, into the house, and into bed when I get off shift at midnight (family is asleep). However, I also need a very bright light with great throw in case of an off duty emergency (in short, I am of the school of thought that if you CCW, you should have a light, too). Now, I currently carry a Surefire A2 with a Lumens Factory (unfrosted) bulb.

BUT, its "new light time" and I want a quality one cell LED. So, after this long build up, do you think a Novatac EDC or RA Clickey (or some other) can fit the bill. In other words, I know they can handle the low light needs, but can they deliver a blinding spot at 25-50 yards to illuminate a "target" if need be in the real world.


I was in the same dilemma and went with the E1B, I am very happy. I contemplated the Novatac 120T, but it is too big(thicker).. If you want a discrete non holstered light, get the E1B with it's dual clip. I mount it on my belt/pant waist and it is hidden with a Tshirt/Shirt. I am able to mount it bezel down which is something I wanted. It has good throw and a low low and I like it so far.

I debated Nitecores/Fenix, but wanted something with a forward clicky, no fancy poop(changing modes, twisting, etc). So E1B/L1 were a good choice. The E1B is smaller than L1 and has a dual clip so I went with that.

I too otherwise have a SF A2 and Z2 with Q5, but sometimes they are too big for pocket carry. I am looking for a Z2 or E1B kydex holster so I can mount it parallel to my belt.

PS I still keep a Jetbeam CL-E in my pocket as well just in case.
Well I wrote this big long response but when I went to post it CPF's servers told me it was busy so I lost everything I typed so, in a nutshell...

I have both the L1 and the E1B.

If you think you may need to utilize a light with a handgun in the Surefire/Rodgers technique
at night neither of these work well in my experience. The E1B is a bit too short and slippery.
Momemtary presses of the tailcap toggle from high to low. You end up toggling again to get back to high.
The L1 is much easier to hold but when you press the tailcap only the low lights up. You have to press too hard to even light the high level. Great lights but not too good with a handgun.

If the light is going to be used mainly back and forth to work in the car I would recommend carrying something more suitable like a G2Z or a Z2. Leave it in the car and continue to use your A2 from the car to your house.

If you don't think you will need to pair it up with a handgun any of the quality two-stage one cell LED's would work fine. The L1 is just a shorter A2 but an LED. The L1 is one of my favorite LED's. The E1B is even shorter and thinner with a clicky. I find myself carrying the E1B more due to it's size than anything else.
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Well I wrote this big long response but when I went to post it CPF's servers told me it was busy so I lost everything I typed so, in a nutshell...

I have both the L1 and the E1B.

If you think you may need to utilize a light with a handgun in the Surefire/Rodgers technique
at night neither of these work well in my experience. The E1B is a bit too short and slippery.
Momemtary presses of the tailcap toggle from high to low. You end up toggling again to get back to high.
The L1 is much easier to hold but when you press the tailcap only the low lights up. You have to press too hard to even light the high level. Great lights but not too good with a handgun.

If the light is going to be used mainly back and forth to work in the car I would recommend carrying something more suitable like a G2Z or a Z2. Leave it in the car and continue to use your A2 from the car to your house.

If you don't think you will need to pair it up with a handgun any of the quality two-stage one cell LED's would work fine. The L1 is just a shorter A2 but an LED. The L1 is one of my favorite LED's. The E1B is even shorter and thinner with a clicky. I find myself carrying the E1B more due to it's size than anything else.

+1, E1B works great for Harries or FBI grip.

A Z2 or 6P would be great, but he is back to 2 cell and no low mode :/.

And yes the E1B sometimes seems too small, after using a lot I can now handle it better. I too like it for the small size and it's ability to disappear in a pocket or on belt.
I would go with the e1b. I have had mine for a few months now. I carry it everywhere with me, along with my M&P9c;). The light has never let me down. Easy to conceal and bright when you need it. I think I almost use the 5 lumens more than i use the 80. I love the big clip and the smooth edges on it. Sometimes i carry it IWB on my weak side. No one ever knows I have it, yet I can get it out quickly in an emergency.
Wow, these are all great responses. You guys obvioulsly understand exactly what I need. Now I can start my obligitory two weeks of online research (just my process!!!!----you know, I better read just one more thread on the subject.......) and make a purchase.

A new Z2 in your car will operate just like your M2 at work. The light works with your current muscle memory.
Jetbeam Jet III Pro ST. Mine has a forward clicky so you can do a momentary on with a soft press and you can set the 3 modes to what suits your needs as it has the IBSS function

Mine is set like this:-

1st soft press: Low (3 - 5 lumens? at this level my fenix E01 is brighter)
2nd soft press: max (225 lumens according to manufacturer specs and it throws)
3rd soft press: strobe on max (15hz strobe, again according to specs)

Basically you cycle through the modes with soft presses (1/2 clicks?) and when you reach the mode you want, simply depress fully to lock it on.

The UI takes a bit of getting used to but fiddle around with it and you'll get it really quick.

Alternative is the Jetbeam Jet III Military, same functions but i think that some accessories are coming out for that one that will not fit the Jet III Pro ST (please correct me if i am wrong) such as assault crown, diffusers.

Runs on 18650 batteries ONLY

EDIT: The Jetbeam Jet III Military is 2 mode - default max and 2nd mode is programable. Also, i think assault crowns are availbe for this light somewhere
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The Nitecore Defender Infinity or Extreme might be an option too.

Two output modes. Max and user programmable. Max = head tightened, user programmed mode = head loosened, tighten-loosen quickly = define user defined mode.

The iTP lights might work too.
I personally, like the Novatac. I have the 120P and program it almost like the 120T. This being said, I wear it at work as well, as everything is concealed including the issued G22. I hate clips, and have lost a few lights due to clips, including a SF Aviator a week after purchasing it. If you always want the light with you, do not want to put it in a holster or carrier, and don't want to lose it, then I would recommend looking into the NDI. I like this light for in my pocket. One advantage is being able to turn it to low without having to cycle through high first. The disadvantage is once you go from low to high, there is a very short delay (i.e. light comes on low for half a second then goes to high). How much abuse can the NDI take? Certainly not as much as a SF Backup or Novatac.
The other thing to consider is what technique you use when utilizing a light with your weapon.
It comes down to how much you have trained and with what light. You will always go with what you have trained and are comfortable with. Don't need to be trying a Chapman/Ayoob/Harries/FBI/Thorpe technique when the adrenaline is pumping and you are used to the Roger's. If you are used to Harries, then almost any forward clicky will do. I will say, NEVER get a reverse clicky to use with a sidearm. Momentary off just does not work well on the range, and even worse in real life.
In true CPF fashion however, I should state: Buy them all, try them, then sell the lights you don't use on CPFMP. In fact, CPFMP might be a good place to look to buy them.
I have carried a small Photon clipped to one of my front keepers for years now. I find myself using this little light all of the time while looking through my duty bag or just general usage. I always use it when I am getting out of my vehicle in my garage and it is just enough to get me by. Keeping it clipped to a keeper on my belt is perfect and off duty it rides on my keychain along with a Fenix LOP.

Off duty I usually carry the E1E with a drop in lamp from Lumens Factory. The power to size ration of the single cell rechargeable and 90 lumen replacement lamp is really hard to beat.....especially for a single cell incandescent.

Sorry....I just noticed you were looking for a LED light rather than an incandescent. If you find yourself wanting a small and very powerful incandescent give the E1E / Lumens Factory combo a try.
I liked my Novatac 120T enough to start carrying it on duty, in addition to off. The low mode can be very useful.

However, I've got a Nightcore Extreme on the way that I'm going to try.
I would second the Nitecore Defender Infinity because of the really handy user interface. No matter how much / fast you click your light on / off, it won't start changing modes. I figure this would be an advantage in a tactical (high stress) situation. All mode switching is done by twisting the head.

It can also be an advantage to make sure you don't wake your family when entering the house by clicking too much or not enough, which can avoid the tactical situation of attacking hords of angry woken family members.
I'm a LEO also and recommend the NDI. Nice low mode with a forward clicky. A quick turn of the bezel for a nice blast of power. AAs are nice to use and always laying around in a pinch! I carry mine with a 14500 in it. I use it in the same manner you are intending.

Good luck and be safe, brother.
Surefire L1 or Novatac 120T.

Both will work great with a handgun, both put out plenty of light, both have protruding forward clickies, both have a useful low mode.

The Surefire has an easier switching system and throws further.
The HDS offers more modes, more flood and a really low, low for subtle navigation/reading.

Personally I think either would work for you with the nod going to the L1 since you are used to the A2. For me personally I prefer the 120T.


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