A number of the recycling places I've used in the past have stopped taking fluorescent bulbs of any sort. Used to just be linear, then CFLs. Now they don't even take LED bulbs. I can sort of understand fluorescent bulbs due to mercury scare. (Though at places I used to work at, the maintenance staff had mobile tube grinding machines they'd roll into the area when replacing bad bulbs. Can't imagine that was healthy...)
What I can't understand is why fewer recycling places are taking LED bulbs. Even e-waste places who otherwise gladly take in various consumer electronics bits that have LED bulbs integrated in them...
Is this just another bit of the insanity that is California?
What I can't understand is why fewer recycling places are taking LED bulbs. Even e-waste places who otherwise gladly take in various consumer electronics bits that have LED bulbs integrated in them...
Is this just another bit of the insanity that is California?