RED Inova Microlight problems


Newly Enlightened
Dec 29, 2001
Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Europe)

I traded 6 Brand New translucent cased RED Inova Microlights with a friend in the US and the deal went A++++.

The question I have concerns the RED LED used in 5 of the 6 Inova Microlights.
I'll explain myself better;
Upon receiving the lights I tested the first one and it produced a good bright relatively smooth and concentrated red beam with only a faint center squarisch light fluctuation.
I was very happy with the light output of the light that used only a CR2032 3 Volt battery.
Then I tried the other 5 RED Microlights and they 1. produced markedly less 'light' and the beam was very unsmooth with 'rings' and even a large ring that hardly was RED at all.

I knew he had checked the CR2032 batteries but I exchanged the one present for an brand new one and still the same beam, even exchanging one CR2032 for 2 CR2016's and cranking up the voltage to 6 Volts didn't do hardly anything on the beam output and the ringy character.

Lateron I discovered that 5 of the RED leds were not glass clear like the one that produced the smooth and powerfull narrow red beam but they were slightly red/pink in color.

I tried contacting INOVA but found no address for them, only a website that is currently under redesign. I e-mailed to e-mail address given on the 'closed' website but nobody replies.

By the way the stainless clip has "Eddie Bauer" on it laser engraved for all 6 Inova Microlights.

My question, does anybody know how I can contact the Inova Microlight manufacturer by email and do I perhaps have 5 Red Inova Microlights from a "pre-run" and have they changed to the brighter smoother Red LED's after they discoverd that the others were complete rubbish.

I was planning on giving the 5 Red Inova Microlights to our Scouts but the light output quality is worse than that of cheap $1 red keychain led lights they sell in our local camping store carying their logo

Any help is welcome, best Scouting wishes from Holland,

I have the card that came with my microlight and it lists a warranty claims address at:

Emissive Energy Corp.
Service Center
5 Divison Street
Warwick, Rhode Island 02818 USA
Hello Slick,

You really helped me out, I found a telephone number and called them.

Spoke to a SUPER guy and their customer service is great, among the best I've encountered.
Read more also about the new improved Inova 5X in the "New Stuff" Forum.

Best Scouting wishes from Holland,

Cool ! Glad I could help and that you were able to get a phone #, because they didn't have one listed on the "info card" that had the address..

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