Reflected wear gear for night walking


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
Guys I'm going to try to do some research but maybe users can give me a head's up. Besides carrying flashlights, any recommended reflective gear to wear for street night walking? I really don't want to wear a geeky orange vest like I was hunting but any reflective straps or something like that you can attach to a sleeve of a jacket, back of a leg or something along those lines?
Hey, that LED - equipped safety vest is just


to be Mod'ed.

Guys I'm going to try to do some research but maybe users can give me a head's up. Besides carrying flashlights, any recommended reflective gear to wear for street night walking? I really don't want to wear a geeky orange vest like I was hunting but any reflective straps or something like that you can attach to a sleeve of a jacket, back of a leg or something along those lines?

Flashlights have been effective for me only if I turn them on as a car approaches.
I've worn orange vests with reflective tape and flashing lights.
Nada, nothing, zilch. IN fact one night a friens stopped and said that they did not see me until my white legs showed up...

I bought some material called luma something. It has glass beads in it. A friend made it into a "vest" which is little more than straps hanging to my waist with a cross piece at front and back.

It works. Traffic will immediately slow down if I walk around a corner with it and I've had a few people stop and ask where I can get some.

I can't find a reference to that materiel but a lot of stuff with reflective glass beads is available.

However a geeky orange vest is better than a closed casket funeral.
For night bicycling, I use reflective ankle bands that attach via velcro which work pretty good and does not look like you are directing traffic like a vest.

You can also put some around your arms as well. They are under 5 bucks at most bike shops.
i wear one of those slap on reflective bands on the arm or ankle. i think it helps having a moving part to be more noticeable.
also usually the arm bands that hold mp3 players have a built in reflective material. so it would have a dual function if you listen to music while walking.
I have bought a BUNCH of retroreflective tape from

Im there somewhere, they have 1" wide cloth "sew on" tape

I bought a bunch, and had 2 stripes put around my jacket - I need to add a stripe down the arms - works REAL well - not quite as reflective as SOLAS grade (which is a fairly stiff grade used on vests)

I've made sure I keep either a vest, or the jacket around, and my truck has the red/white stripes inside the doors, and the "black" tape on the back cap - all went on after the blackout in 2003, when I realized how much difference it made