Reflector Design


Sep 27, 2001
While we play, it seems satisfying to switch on a light and see a carefully crafted, round beam etched onto a wall. Some lights which are above average in $$$ fail to accomplish this. Found one that does ... Ravovac industrial ... about $5.00. Amazingly (at least to me) designed reflector. Small facets which seem integrated into a series of concentric circles stepped up from the lamp position. Almost perfect circle of concentrated beam at center with an outer corona so well defined that the molded ridges of the lens cap are projected onto the wall.
I'm not sure, but I think rayovac makes the "sam's best" rubber flashlight for WalMart. They only make the 2-D now, but I have a 3-D and the beam is very impressive. Same type of reflector, fully faceted. Puts the Mag 3-D to shame.

Energizer picked up on the idea of faceting as well and "Half Facets" many of their reflectors. Faceting near the bulb only.

I had a faceted light 15 years ago, a Panasonic "super light" 2-AA, and it produced the best beam I had ever seen until recently.

A suggestion, don't get the rayovac industrial 2-AA (I hope this wasn't the one you were referring to!). I had one and the beam was terrible - had to return it.
Reference is to the 2D Rayovac.
Have a number of faceted reflector lights including the Panasonic (spiral faceting) and the Eveready (partial faceting). The Rayovac's beam is far superior to the others.
It would seem the Mfg'rs are paying more attention to reflector SURFACE design. A magnifier inspection of the Rayovac reflector shows it to be quite intricate. I would recommend anyone to spend the five bucks for a "knock around, don't mind getting it dirty" all around 2D light (or 3D) with way above average beam quality.

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