Regulated led lensers


Jan 24, 2008
Hello everybody, i have been lurking around here for a long time, but i haven't posted anything before now, partly because of my bad english (i'm from norway). But i hope u guys can understand what i'm writing anyway :p

I found some new led lenser flashlights in a store here today (known as coast in the us), but i can't find any info on them anywhere on the net, they are not even on led lensers web site. The two new models is called "pro fokus t5" and "pro fokus t7".

The t5 model takes 1 aa battery and is quite small, and the t7 takes 4aaa, so it's larger than the old "hocus fokus" but looks similar. Both new lights can be focused. The description on the lights mention a current regulation chip, so they must finally have put some regulation circuits into their lights. The t5 is rated at 62 lumens (the same as the hocus fokus 3aaa) and the 3aaa has better throw than my l2d reb 100 (but less spill). The t7 is rated at 117 lumens.

Anyone ells heard of those flashlights? I bought a hocus fokus a year ago, but i gave it away as a present to my mother when i got my first fenix lights :laughing:
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Okay, i didn't know about that one. Still frustrates that all of u guys call it "coast" and coast only, as "coast" is just the company that distributes them in usa for led lenser. The name of the light is led lenser, and the company that makes them is named zweibrüder. The official site is, and coast is just an importer/distributer in usa.

Sorry, had to get it out :p
Some people here are aware of that, but most call them Coast because that's how they're branded here in the U.S. If you buy one in a store, it's advertised as a Coast... the packaging says Coast, and often the flashlights have Coast printed on them. There is small print on the packaging that mentions LED Lenser, as well as printing on some of the flashlights. Otherwise, people have no indication that Coast is just the distributor and not the manufacturer. I guess they just want to confuse us. :poke:

It reminds me of the brand of transmitter that I use for my radio-controlled airplanes, Airtronics. They're known as Airtronics... if anyone asks what brand of transmitter I use, I say Airtronics. It's imprinted with "Airtonics", the packaging says it, that's how they're sold, etc. But they're made by a company called Sanwa.
I am crossing my fingers hoping that these are truly current regulated, with a much nicer curve. Everything else on the new ones seem nicer now, especially build and reliability, positive clicky has always been a plus as well as of course focusing. Now perhaps the circuit will also be up to par. :)
They seem interesting, I know that the older Coast lights
were not regulated at all, some only had a dropping resistor

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