Replacement Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon 4AA


Sep 1, 2006
What's a good replacement for the Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon 4AA I lost? Obviously I could get another, but I assume LED advancements have made that light a bit inferior. I'm not really into flashlights as a hobby, but do like to have one high-quality general-purpose LED flashlight around.

Now-a-days with the advancements in LEDs, and the closure of, I'm a little lost. What's the new general-purpose recommendation light? That use to be the ProPoly a few years ago, but I'm unsure if anything with the newer LEDs has taken its place.

I liked the ProPoly because it:
Took 'standard' batteries
Had a larger handle (good because it held additional batteries, and my hands are larger anyway so it was no loss)
Was very durable
Had a lower price...though I'd like to hear all the options, short of Surefire prices
Regulated (that's a must)

EDIT: I'm thinking of something with at least 2 output levels now. Mostly since how bright modern LEDs can get, so it'd be nice not to blind myself when map-reading, etc.

Suggestions? Preferably something I can get shipped to S. Korea (Fenix lights comes to mind).
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For someone looking for a simple but great quality light it`s hard to beat the Fenix E-20...2xAA...around $35. Only one light level...bright. Nice feeling tail switch.

Hard to go wrong with any of the Fenix line. :wave:
i've recently been getting into AA lights as i ordered a whole load of low self discharge eneloops with the intent of getting the Fenix TK40 but i realised i didnt need such a huge light (actually my wife threatened to test the waterproofness of all my lights by throwing them into the sea) so now i have at least 16 eneloops sitting around looking for a flashlight lair to crawl into.

What i did was to quietly order other lights and get them sent to the office instead, haha, and will slowly bring them home.

I've ordered a RC-N3 II 2 mode, 2xAA (or 1xCR123 or RCR23) light from shiningbeam, its got 2 modes so i can reduce output but still have the option for a powerful beam, do a search and you can read the reviews. That cost me less than $30 shipped to Singapore.

I also ordered and received a Ultrafire 606A, Q2, it can run on 1xCR2 or 1xRCR2 or 2xAA, it's a single mode but whether on CR2 or 2xAA i find this light really bright and more than ample for general use. This one was about $20 from DX.

I next ordered an Akoray K-106 after reading all the fine reviews here, there's a lot written on it and an entire thread devoted to it and its little AAA brother, that was also about $20 but its back ordered on KD.

Now the above are okay budget lights from what i read and specifically for the Ultrafire, from my own use of them but if you wish to get something more durable and has been tested (not that i am placing one brand above another this is my personal opinion), go for a Fenix 2xAA or 1xAA model, lots has been written so I wont get into all the details. Personally, my next purchase is likely to be the Fenix TK20 as i am beginning to appreciate warmer tints for their colour rendition properties. has a whole selection of Fenix and other lights and use the code "CPF8" for a further discount and if that wasnt good enough, shipping is free too!

For more reviews, you can either search here on CPF (there are many fine reviewers here) or you can also check external review sites, right now only springs to mind but i'm sure others will chip in.

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I like my 2AA poly pro because I need a light rated for hazardous conditions plus it's waterproof and the WARRANTY is excellent. Size is also a plus for me.
Fenix TK20? Takes 2AA's, it's on the larger side for a 2AA light so if feels good in your hand with its nice rubber grip, two simple modes of output, warm tint, and it's built like a tank. It is a bit pricier than the streamlight though
Thanks very much for the info -

Right now I'm looking at: (+ total shipped cost)

Romisen RC-N3 II Cree Q5 2 Mode ($29.21)

Quark AA^2 ($55.19)

Olight T25 Regular or Tactical ($59.75)

EDIT: This ^ is becoming my handy bookmark section for myself

Thanks especially for the Romisen suggestion (Being a ~budget light, I would never have seen it probably), and the discount codes (I'd forgotten).

Always love to hear more input if anyone feels chatty...

Leaning toward the Romisen honestly. The Eagletac is hideous in my mind (though in the typical 2xAA high-end LED sort of way). The TK20 is my favorite, but a bit expensive to justify. I honestly wish Inova would update their line with better LEDs, I've always really liked simply the way they look.
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What's a good replacement for the Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon 4AA I lost? Obviously I could get another, but I assume LED advancements have made that light a bit inferior.
I was pretty much in this situation. I had a ProPoly that I loved but had lost touch with the latest lights. So... I came here to this forum and after various comments and research bought a Romisen RC-N3. It is a very nice light and is very comparable to the ProPoly.

The RC-N3 beam is kinda like a ProPoly beam only the flashlight only needs 2 AAs to do it.

I still have my ProPoly and will continue to use it. Knowing what I know now, maybe I simply wouldn't have bought the RC-N3 (but it was pretty cheap to get).

So... if you like the ProPoly, just get another one (IMHO).
The Fenix TK20 is a must have, the throw on mine is awesome, so is the tint, creamy white, not yellow as seen on some pics :twothumbs
Although there have been advances in LEDs, there is no lights I know of that offer major improvements to the ProPoly 4AA in its price range that have the same toughness, waterproofness, beam quality and warranty. At the current level they have chosen to drive the LED at, it delivers a great combination of brightness/runtime.
Although there have been advances in LEDs, there is no lights I know of that offer major improvements to the ProPoly 4AA in its price range that have the same toughness, waterproofness, beam quality and warranty. At the current level they have chosen to drive the LED at, it delivers a great combination of brightness/runtime. that I can factor it in - any idea offhand which website carrying the ProPoly would work best for shipping to S. Korea? BatteryJunction/BrightGuy/random Froogle results all seem quite high. Not quite like Fenix.
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not exactly the replacement you are looking for.

personally, i really like their aluminium offerings. i have 2 of their (Pelican) M6. the 1st one from 2003. polycarb windows are easily replaced (option 1: plastic photographic filters, option 2: custiom cut from spectacles/eyewear shops)!! :twothumbs
*Hyperloop* Thanks! I always disliked the yellow ones though...despite their greater visibility, which would probably be handy, seeing as how I lost my last one (or it was stolen, am unsure).

*Sore Eyez* Thanks also. I'd totally forgotten about Pelican and will now look through their line. I think now (I'm going to edit my original post), I'm looking more at lights with at least 2 brightness levels. Especially considering how bright the modern LEDs can get...
yeah, pity Pelican is slightly behind the technology curve on the single output... but then again personally, i find the lower ouput would be more ideal with a different beam profile & that would be flood.

hmmm, how about Zebralight H501? its general purpose isn't it? :grin2:
yeah, pity Pelican is slightly behind the technology curve on the single output... but then again personally, i find the lower ouput would be more ideal with a different beam profile & that would be flood.

Very true. I'd maybe go that way except I'm not willing to carry more than one light though (nor buy more than one.)

hmmm, how about Zebralight H501? its general purpose isn't it? :grin2:

EDIT: Whoops, I somehow thought that light was a headlamp...sorry my initial response made no sense...
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