I have two 12v blue 'blinking' LEDs, 20mA, from car alarms. I beleive each has a 470 ohm?? built in resistor. I want to take these leds and hook them together, so they blink opposite one another.
I want to use wall plug in, ac to dc power supply.
1- how do I figure the voltge and resistance to power them both, in series and in parrallel?........... .........I know how to figure it if only using ' non blinking LEDs', but using two leds with each having its own 'built in resister' confuses me.
2- will wiring them in series or parrallel make them automatically blink opposite each other, or will they both blink at same time?
3-I have a box of various ac dc power supplies, and was hoping to figure out which one to use with proper voltage, without adding a third resistor, since both leds already have one....thanks
I want to use wall plug in, ac to dc power supply.
1- how do I figure the voltge and resistance to power them both, in series and in parrallel?........... .........I know how to figure it if only using ' non blinking LEDs', but using two leds with each having its own 'built in resister' confuses me.
2- will wiring them in series or parrallel make them automatically blink opposite each other, or will they both blink at same time?
3-I have a box of various ac dc power supplies, and was hoping to figure out which one to use with proper voltage, without adding a third resistor, since both leds already have one....thanks