River Rock NightFire review [Lots of pics]


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
:) Cheers to DM51 for moving it to the flashlight reviews subforum :)

Due to recent imageshack server incompetence and complaints regarding popups the pictorial contents of this review is hosted in photobucket and all pictures have been resized to 800x600, well within the forums regulations :wave:

While shopping for gifts for a particular CPF member I came across this light. the name NightFire caught my eye, I'm sure you all know what it is so I'm not going discuss it :grin2:

Product: River Rock NightFire 2C CREE
Black/Aluminum, probably type II anodized
Body Dimensions: 6-14/16" length, 1-1/16" diameter
Body thickness: 1/32"

Bezel diameter: 1-6/16"
Tailcap Dimensions: [length] 1-1/4" [diameter] 1-3/16"

Initial Impressions:
The nightFire is definitely what I would consider a good quality flashlight. It boasts a estimated 21 hours maximum regulaton and up to 60 hours total (not yet verified), smooth spot with good overall output and throw, well machined and parts fit together nicely. The body feels very sturdy, with the addition of being the only CREE equipped flashling on the shelf, I decided to try my luck with a China made light. The window appears to be lexan. I rapped my finernail on it and the sound was sort of hollow. The reflector is what I would call a heavy orange peel, as the texture is far more agressive than FM's MOP reflectors and the reflector in my L4.
The use of 2 C cells rather than the more cumbersome D's nor the slick but useless AAAs is definitely a plus. I am unsure of what bin the CREE is, though i am aware it is at least a Q4 or higher having counted four bond wires on top of the silver substrate.
A green ring was mated to the body towards the bezel presumedly for decoration purposes. I found it funny to find myself comparing picks of the fenix TK10 with its gold ring towards the tail end:huh:

Ergonomics: The NightFire seems a bit big, I'm asian and our hands are probably not the best tools for comparing lights :grin2:. It is easy to use in a "ice pick" manner by holding the light in the palm and engaging the switch with the thumb. Overall the light is of good proportion and balance.

enough talk, heres some pics
Package material, i should've took a pic when it was still intact but I guess i got too excited about it. :ohgeez:


The light compared to a couple well known lights

Body Shots [for reference, the Ronson lighter is 2.5" long]

The Tailcap is a foward clicky with very sensitive momentary contact, it produces a very definite and tactile *click* when pressed down all the way.
It is recessed approximately 3/16" to allow tailstanding. The Tailcap can be locked out via one half turn.

The reflector, it appears to be crimped in along with the window so i am unable to remove the reflector and give appropriate dimensions.

The "CREE XLamp" turned out to be a 7090 star held down by a threaded ring similar to the dorcy 3D 1 watt. I'm not sure whether there is a viable heatsinking bridge underneath. [see update below]
Pics of the emitter [Note the machining abrasion (not on the CREE):eek:oo:]

It looks so excited:)

As for water resistance, I gave it a dunk and it seemed to hold itself together without letting water in. Some bubbles were observed coming off of the rubber boot but no water was found from the switch compartment after drying it off.:D

[Pros and Cons of the light are based on the preliminary evaluation]


  • HOP reflector, there is absolutely NO artifacts detected in the center of the beam, only some "hairs" on the outer margin.
  • Very wide spill
  • No distinctive hotspot beyond six feet that I could tell, smooth transition in between. Could be a cheap alternative to the L4
  • Uses C alkalines, widely available if you plan to travel the international waters :thumbsup:
  • Recessed foward clicky
  • Scalloped bezel
  • Removeable bezel with o-ring makes future LED swaps easier.
  • Can tailstand with or without lanyard
  • Good heatsinking

  • Rates average in throw
  • Dry threads on arrival
  • Battery rattles
  • [CREE Lottery] Distinct purple hue in the CREE's tint, but not as terrible as the YA tint luxeons :sick2:
  • No antiroll feature unless the lanyard is installed
  • May be slippery when wet, the body has no knurling whatsoever
Its a pretty decent light for the money [$30]. I would definitely recommend it as a light to medium duty task light to anyone who prefers a single mode, two Alkaline celled CREE.

So what? wheres the beamshots!?
yeah, thats coming up...as soon as the camera charger burps up a green light
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Being that I do not have access to a photometer i cannot provide lux numbers, approximate lumens, or runtime graphs.

a couple comparisons is all I could collect for now, the pics don't do justice for how wide the spill beam is.
All comparisons are based off of a light green colored wall, distance is measured at 5 feet +/- 2"

Surefire L4 versus the NightFire
Normal Exposure

Step down exposure (-2 seconds)

Surefire E2L versus the NightFire
Normal Exposure

Step down exposure (-2 seconds)

Inova 2006 T1 versus the NightFire
Normal Exposure

Step down exposure (-2 seconds)

I wanted to compare my aeon but unfortunately I'm running on a spent cell. Sure I could use it on low but the camera will saturate primarily on the nightFire

Observation to note: the bezel of the light felt warm seconds after the light was engaged, thereby an indication that there is a functioning heatsink path behing the CREE star.

Looks pretty promising a this point :)
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My sample has a distinctly green tint, so I guess the tint lottery is operating here...

On the slippery when wet question, one could note that the flashlight body does have some slight grip rings and it is a bit narrower in the middle than at each end, like a dumbbell.

The weight with two C alkalines is 296 g (10.5 oz), which feels rather heavy. However, if you put two AA Eneloops in there in adapter shells the weight drops to 223 g (7.9 oz), which feels substantially lighter. This also solves the rattle problem with the supplied Duracells.
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Mr. Happy, :thanks: for the tip

Maybe I should place "battery rattle" down as a con. Personally it doesn't bother me as I find it as some value of reassurance. [when Alkalines leak, they no longer rattle, so if it rattles chances are the cells are good:twothumbs]

Any word to the presence of a regulator circuit? [not just a step-up]
I wanted to extract the LED out and see whats below it but I don't have the right tools to get it out :(

EDIT: I've located a runtime chart for this light [info from user entendu]

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Today I was at Target and saw these. They are the first LED lights in quite a while at Target that even drew my interest, so thanks for the review. The tint lottery does not sound promising, since I am pretty picky against green tints, and you can't test the lights in the package like Inova's.

The 2AA Nightfire right next to the 2C Nightfire is the one that really drew my interest, though. It uses a Luxeon Rebel and has a focusing head. Seen any reviews on that one?
Today I was at Target and saw these. They are the first LED lights in quite a while at Target that even drew my interest, so thanks for the review. The tint lottery does not sound promising, since I am pretty picky against green tints, and you can't test the lights in the package like Inova's.

The 2AA Nightfire right next to the 2C Nightfire is the one that really drew my interest, though. It uses a Luxeon Rebel and has a focusing head. Seen any reviews on that one?

I'm pretty sure the 7090 can be removed if your willing to go about doing an emitter swap. Its held down using a retaining ring.
This 2C nightfire is pegged on the same peg as the Riverrock 2C jupiters, it was the only one of its kind left on the peg after black friday.
I didn't know a 2AA nightfire existed!
I'll be sure to check the section again the next time I visit Target, :thanks: for the heads up.