Rotary mechanism


Jan 29, 2008
Hey all,

I am totally in love with the rotary. I want to learn more about how it works. Is there any information on the mechanism? What makes it so smooth? Is it a contact or contactless switch? Magnetic? Anyone take one apart and have photos of the insides?

I thought the twisty was nice but the rotary is another level!

Here is a description of disassembling the rotary switch:

There should be an 2nd (newer) description with pictures, but I did not found it.
The "magic" is the PCB in picture #9 and #10 and picture #14 with the contacts. At least that is my interpretation.

I have not taken apart a rotary switch. But my guess is that the different sizes of the contact areas of the PCB shortens a different number of contacts and also depending on the switch position different contacts of the 5 contacts.
Thanks. I couldn't find that. Awesome photos. Very informative. Seems now that the hole that the wire would come out of is plugged. I won't even think about taking it apart but was interested in how it worked. Hope it lasts a very long time.
Hope it lasts a very long time.
The Rotary mechanism is mechanical, not magnetic. It is Very Durable.

Ive had some Rotaries from 2011, that still work perfectly.

The only issue to be aware of, is that in some cases the rubber button swells up and makes tailstanding wobbly. This can be mitigated by following a simple strategy described here

IF a button swells up and that pressure equalizing tactic does not solve the problem, we have the option to mail the tail of the light to HDS, for a free button replacement (even though wobbly tailstanding is not officially a warranty issue).

In rare cases, the button rubber can begin to degrade and become pitted. HDS will replace the button for free.

I sent a couple of HDS tails in for button replacement recently, due to minor bulging, and the turn around time was 3 days. Henry would not let me pay for the replacement buttons. I was not even allowed to pay for the postage to mail the repaired tails back to me (I did pay postage one way, To HDS). The service was outstanding, described here
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