Seek Thermal

Funny you say that about buying directly from Seek.
I've seen others making there opposite deduction from the same argument. That Amazon had a better return policy.
If you look in the bottom of the Seek retail box you can see instructions to always return the unit directly to Seek if you experience any problems.
But I'm not sure how they will react if I shipped from Europe.
Amazon on the other hand does accept the return no matter where I am (I must pay the shipping myself).
As you can see in my other post the macro function is quite good.
(I had to log on through a computer to upload picture )
20 degrees FOV is quite a difference compared to 36 degrees but the ability to focus makes it all worth it.
I use my Seek at many different distances and I don't think I'd be happy with a fixed focus.
I'm looking forward to see (feel) the next 3 cameras and compare firmness Hahaha.
So I'm torn between getting a Seek Thermal or waiting to see how good the new Flir One is with its updated design and resolution. To wait or not to wait, any recommendations?
Well resolution is amazing on the Seek. Just see the pictures in my previous post.
I have been thinking of the new flir as well but it doesn't seem it offers any better temperature range than the present one and if that's the case I really can't go with it. Seek ranges from -40 and way up whereas flir only goes from freezing to boiling.
Naturally it offers some very preventable photos and state of the art software for the computer (I might even want one) but if I had to choose one or the other my choice stays with Seek. Unless they really step it up in the new flir.
The spatial resolution looks good but the thermal resolution/contrast looks poor.

Posted by really crappy Tapatalk app that is questionable wrt respect of personal data.
It's funny the new flir gives me the impression that it would be perfect for house related projects while the seek thermal XR seems fantastic for outdoors/distance etc.
Well the Seek is 206*156 and the flir is only 80*60 so the Seek does have better thermal resolution.
Regarding the focus flir one is fixed and the Seek xr is adjustable.
The second camera on the flir is the one thing that I'd say makes a difference.
Well the Seek is 206*156 and the flir is only 80*60 so the Seek does have better thermal resolution.
Regarding the focus flir one is fixed and the Seek xr is adjustable.
The second camera on the flir is the one thing that I'd say makes a difference.

The new flir one is supposed to have 4xresolution in comparison to the old version. I agree with you the second camera or MSX technology does make a big difference on detail when in a lighted environment but a dark area it would solely rely on its thermal sensor and therefore be behind the seek. I might splurge and get the new flir one for home use, where fixed focus would potentially be more helpful, but out hiking or outdoors in general the seek thermal XR I'd rather have so maybe both? Decisions! Ugh [emoji52]
Hahahaha I'm with you on that one. I feel greedy wanting both.
Even more so if it gets 19000 pixels.
Finally got around to write a review on Amazon. I was supposed to be short and informative but ended up longer an maybe informative.
I might even have forgot stuff.

Now I may be biased as I've been waiting for a price effective thermal camera for years.
But I don't need I enough to pay more than $300.

I searched the web thoroughly before I decided what to buy. I considered the Flir One and Therm App and read all I could about them as well.
The first thing I noticed was that temperature range is way better on the Seek.
TA can't detect high and low temperatures (from -10°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)) so that limits the usefulness for me and the price is quite high (almost 6 times the Seek).
Flir doesn't go subzero at all (32 °F to 212 °F (O °C to 100 °C))
So with (much) better range and a good price the choice was easy (I live way up north and intended to use it outside some of the time and it actually gets that cold here sometimes)

When I got the camera I liked the retail packaging. Feels as a good product even before you open it. (My seal was broken by Amazon for "inspection purposes" - I expect someone couldn't help themselves to try it out - I'm not complaining and I understand - hope you had fun).

The camera was much smaller than I had guessed (I knew the specs but never thought of size as an issue). The carrying case was sturdy and apparently watertight (haven't tested that - but they claim it is on their homepage).
The camera itself felt rough as well, nice magnesium body and very light.

There's no instructions what so ever other than to get the app and plug in the camera. The app has a reasonable size and I had downloaded it before I got the camera.
If you buy directly from Seek you will have to setup an account. This is not the same account used by the camera. And if you want to ask questions on their support site - you've guessed it - you have to setup a third account.
If you worry about privacy don't setup accounts just press an extra button when you startup the app to accept the terms of use.

I use a wallet type case for my phone and had no problem fitting the Seek without the case getting in the way. It seated just fine. I realise that this may not be the case (no pun intended) with all case tyoes but depends on design of your specific type of case.

First thing I realized using the camera was that 20° fov is very narrow. I had to keep my distance from objects if I wanted an overview of things.
It was the cause of a little irritation to begin with but now I'm used to it and it works fine both indoors and outdoors.

Next thing was the software. It's not intuitive at all. Often you have to look for the right button and while in changing settings you have to go through 2 steps to get back before you can take a picture or movie (not sound on the movies by the way - but you know that if you read the specs).
That is a constant source of irritation together with the fact that some controls switch places and gets mirrored when the camera tilts.
I hope an update will change that one day (updates can update your camera's firmware by the way).

The focus lens (not a zoom lens) works as expected. I've successfully focused on objects as close as 4 inches and as far as 1500 feet. On short ranges a picture can get very detailed because of the good resolution. On a distance it makes a difference as to how small and how far you can detect a heat source. Pictures from afar does not get sharp but you would know that if you researched just a little.

Focusing on most objects with just a little texture shows how accurate this camera is.
Most low resolution thermals produce blurry picture and Flir introduced the msx technology to outline the picture so you can see what it was you took a picture of, but in most cases the Seek pictures are very clear and objects are easily distinguished. Provided there's enough contrast in temperatures. Therm App has a higher resolution than Seek but as mentioned the price is way up and temperature detection is much narrower than the Seek.

I bought an extension cable for my camera because I'm lazy and won't bother to get out of my car. I can hold the camera out the window and it works fine. It can be a little difficult to point but it does work. Only thing you have to take in to account is that the app orient itself according to the phones position and not the cameras. (You can take pictures that shows upside down on your computer, but even native programs on any Mac or pc can easily turn them).

I wrote to Seek regarding exif and thermal data in the pictures. There's no data stored with the pictures and what you see is what you get (other companies saves thermal data with pictures thus making it possible to process the pictures later on a computer - change the color scheme for instance).
Seek wrote to me that they might update firmware later to include this data witch would be a major improvement but not necessarily something all users need.

In the settings you can change what temperature scale to use (Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin).
Aspect ratio can be set to 4:3 or 16:9. The first will utilize more of the thermal sensor and the latter fits better on modern screens (but be advised that what really happens is that the 4:3 picture is cut to fit)
It's possible to ad watermarks to your pictures. You'll find 3 options in the settings: "Date & Time", Location and Seek Logo. They can be chosen individually and the fact that you can turn off the Seek Logo is a plus (not possible on Flir cameras - don't know about Therm App)..
The date, time and location is taken from your phone so if the date or time is off so will the watermark be. If your location on the phone is turned off you won't be able to get a precise location on the picture (I don't know why I have to tell you this but apparently not all think about this)
The camera I heavily relying on the phones cpu and that's what keeps the price down.

The software allows you to change between 9 different color palettes: white, black, iron, cool, amber, indigo, tyrian, glory and envy.
They will each show temperatures in a mix of gradient and different colors.
I've found that the same motive can be more or less clear/obvious depending on the palette used.

it's possible to have the temperature shown on the picture either in spot mode (temperature measured and shown in the middle of the picture) and High/Low mode where highest and lowest temperature within the frame is shown.

There is a search mode where you can have the camera highlight temperatures higher, lower or exactly a given temperature.

In the thermal+ mode you can use the camera together with the phones camera and slide between the 2. If you double press on the normal picture you'll be able to zoom and pan the picture so it fits the thermal picture. With a little practice the 2 pictures can be lined up to almost perfection a feature that is very useful.
When you take a picture in this mode 2 pictures will be saved to the phone. An ordinary and a thermal. Within the app you can still slide between the two but that is not the case when you export the pictures or see them in your phones image viewer (goes without saying, but still saying it)
If you take the picture in one of temperature modes the temperature will be shown on both pictures.

All in all I'm very satisfied with this camera.
I have both ios and android version and this review goes for both.
Only difference I've noted is that the ios version seems to fit firmer in the phone and can be set both ways in the phone.
For the android version, on a phone with the micro usb turned the "wrong" way a small cable works fine.
The narrow field of view can be irritating at first but when you get used to it it's not a problem.
I'd say that the fixed focus on the regular version would be a greater source of irritation to me.

Pros: price , temperature range (-40C to 330C), adjustable focus, size (smaller than expected), sturdy carrying case, build quality, app has many useful features, range of detection (from macro to long distance), ability to adjust normal and thermal picture to line up (thermal+ function)

Cons: flat photos (no exif or thermal data saved with the photos, thus no possibility of tweaking the photos on computer later), fov is very narrow, (20 degrees compared to regular versions 36), app is messy and not intuitive (some controls even move around on the screen when entering functions or tilting the unit),
My Amazon exp has been so so with returns if I buy fulfilled by amazon its not a problem to return it. a good number of sellers in my exp don't reply to messages about products needing replacement/warranty. I build Vape gear (E-Cig) and run a full time business doing that in addition to my regular job many customers prefer to send the product direct to me and cut out the extra step going through the store they purchased from. I'd personally rather send my goods back to the manufacturer then go through a middle man. That's just me though. I'll talk to my contact at FLIR and see how much better the FLIR one will be over the older model. I will tell you in talking to him he shared with me that he also prefers the SEEK device over the FLIR one (Present) He didn't mention a Newer version to me so its hush hush or probably still not better then the seek. I will ask him though

I am finding my Seek to be an awesome outdoors device but its also equally as good indoors for checking the normal household items. Tomorrow I'm taking it to the gun range. I want to see how much heat is carried downrange with the Projectile into the target. I'm also hoping it will aid in slug recovery from the dirt bank so I can retrieve my slug any not one of the tens of thousands from other shooters. will also be setting it up in video to see if its possible to pick up the heat sig of the projectile traveling downrange. I'm betting it wont but would be cool is it can.
Just saw a review on Amazon where someone complains about a loose focus wheel.
Some also complains about the narrow fov deeming it unfit for indoor use.
I got used to that very fast and it doesn't bother me at all.
As I wrote I think the fixed focus would bother me more.
I took a picture from less than 3 inches today and details are amazing.
When I get the 3 new cameras from Amazon I'm gonna see if the focus wheels are loose with them too. If they are I'll ask Seek about it.
Mine came in really handy at work today. There was a bank of rectifiers in a rack, one of which had a high temperature alarm. The techs were struggling with trying to figure out which module was the bad one. I fired up the Seek, aimed it at the panel and spotted the hot one in under 3 seconds.
👍 people around me look at the Seek as a toy at first but they all quickly see that there's many real uses for it ..
I really can't commit to either right now. The xr fov is just to narrow and seems like it forces me to buy it for outdoor use and buying the original version for indoor. If the 36 degree fov had adjustable focus it would be no question.
I have the original and I haven't had a need to do really close-up stuff so the variable focus hasn't been a real need for me. It would be nice to have but if I had to decide again, I would stick with the original fixed focus wider-view version.
I use it for so many different things and I'm very happy with the XR. Would be nice with 16 degrees extra gov but it's still a no-brainer for me. I want the versatility of the XR over the fixed focus.
same here Eskimojo
I had a blast with it at the range yesterday. While I was setting up targets a Deer stepped up to the range, one of the other shooters pointed it out so I clipped on the Seek and showed the guys how nice the device is. it was still pretty dark, but we could easily see it was a deer once I turned the Seek onto it I had undivided attention of every shooter at the range. I spent half an hour of range time taking down email addresses to send folks a link to get a Seek. I wish I could use it on my tablet, I'm using it on the Galaxy note 3 it has a good size screen, but Id really like having it on the tablet.

Shooting was pretty cool I wasn't able to see the round fly down range maybe if I could ultra slow motion the video. It was pretty cool though to see the hot spots where the Bullet passed through the target. Recovering my slugs was a snap was also able to locate every casing that was mine amongst the many others scattered around.