
Oct 21, 2002
Santa Cruz CA
Is anyone using a TID on their 6P? If so what do you think? How are you carrying your light? Where did you buy it?
They do.

Tactical Impact Device for SureFire Flashlights
Has anyone else hard that they've suspended production on all the SureFire TIDs?
Something about SureFire not considering their O.D. to be a critical dimension and therefore variable enough that a big batch of TIDs were made that didn't fit.
I think I heard about it over on bladeforums.
Has this all been worked out yet?
man - you gotta be kidding me! these guys even make the TID for the Inova X5(X5T?) too!

winston, i suppose if you can buy knives here, the TID should be OK too - maybe call it a gear wheel, or something if someone asks you what it is

I just hope that production suspension isn't true. The TID makes a great flashlight a truly cool flashlight, there's that menace factor - ready for action, like a low-slung sportscar or something.Except when its mounted on an Arc-AAA, of course
TID's are out already?!?!? I've been waiting for these things to come out. I've been calling TAD every now and then to ask if they have them in stock and they said that it's not even out yet. So, can you actually order one of these things? Anyone? If so, where can I order one for the Inova X5T? Thank you very much.....

It is probably legal to carry, but once you scratch someone with that, you will get the $@!+ sued outta you.
hotfoot: it is rather pricey though it would go very well with an M2, since the M2 has a shock-isolated bezel

ratso: i think if its used in self-defence it would be more ok than if not....but i agree; you would have some explaining to do.
AFAIK, the production issue has been resolved. My TID for the E2e-HA fits perfectly!
The TID has been out for a months now. I carry it in a holster attached to the E2e. I kept poking and scratching myself when I carried it in my pocket. The problem with the sizing has been resolved, at first when they made it they did not account for the HA thickness. They apparently sized it with the non-HA model.

The screws do chip the HA so expect to damage the finish with this. So far this is just a "cool" factor since I'd rather go for pepper spray, air taser, baton or gun first. This seems to be made to make a last ditch effort to stay alive when all else fails. I can just hear it in court now... "instead of using your capstun, taser or baton, you decided to crack my clients temple open with a flashlight with TEETH?" LOL
The TID is currently available for the following SUREFIRE flashlights: Executive Elite E2c, Centurion, the ever popular 6P, M2, Z3, Z4, D2 Defender and A2.