Sharp readies blue laser for mass production

Good and bad here. These appear to be targeted at the DVD recording industry. We would like something closer to BLUE for projection and TV applications. The near UV will be fun but I want BLUE.

Agreed. This is pretty exciting for optical medium, and I can't say I wouldn't love to have such a diode, but the blue diodes are what really caught my attention. I read about 440s for Laser display technology, but haven't really heard much about those since. Does anyone know if those are actually in production right now and if so, about how powerful they come?
No idea about the 440's but I DID price out the GaN near UV diodes a few weeks back - and WOW.....too much to be believed !
210mW pulsed, awesome. Disposal of these Dvd drives could be a hazard. Some curious kid starts tinkering and fries his/her eyes.

Nachia makes a diode running at 442nm and 40mW I think it was. They also make a 473nm. Be ready though, they wanted 3000 for one bare diode. That was after giving them some good clues on a project being designed at an Ivy league university.

Currently unit prices for the minimum shipping quantity (1 piece) are as

- Violet 405 nm
NDHV310APC (30-60mW) : US$2,000/each
NDHV220APAE1 (Transverse multi-mode 200mW, engineering sample) :

- Blue 445 nm
NDHB510APA (50mW) : US$3,000/each

- Aqua Marine 473 nm
NDHA210APAE1 (20mW, engineering sample) : US$3,000/each

- UV 375 nm
NDHU110APAE3 (20mW, engineering sample) : US$3,000/each

Above price include Freight by courier. Standard lead time 2 weeks.
In accordance with bigger shipping quantities, appropriate discounts shall be applied.
Regrettably no further discounts shall be quoted even for an educational party like you.

That is what you can expect. I think you would be better off buying a pre-built module from Crystalaser or some such. I find it really surprising that they have no program for students or engineers, but O well.

Have a good one.

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