Currently unit prices for the minimum shipping quantity (1 piece) are as
- Violet 405 nm
NDHV310APC (30-60mW) : US$2,000/each
NDHV220APAE1 (Transverse multi-mode 200mW, engineering sample) :
- Blue 445 nm
NDHB510APA (50mW) : US$3,000/each
- Aqua Marine 473 nm
NDHA210APAE1 (20mW, engineering sample) : US$3,000/each
- UV 375 nm
NDHU110APAE3 (20mW, engineering sample) : US$3,000/each
Above price include Freight by courier. Standard lead time 2 weeks.
In accordance with bigger shipping quantities, appropriate discounts shall be applied.
Regrettably no further discounts shall be quoted even for an educational party like you.