SHOT Show 2008 logistics


May 1, 2002
Tonawanda NY

SHOT Show 2008 logistics

This thread is to keep all SS08 relevant information organized and summarized on one page without having to filter through pages of discussion posts. To keep this an effective quick reference thread I ask that you would PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. Keep all discussions in the existing SHOT Show thread.: Discussion Thread

This thread will be broken down into the following sections/posts:
1. Intro.
2. CPF attendees/hotel/dates. (MrMom)
3. CPF telephone tree instructions. (all phone numbers sent via PM) (MrMom)
4. CPF get-togethers. Lunches/dinners/drinks dates/times/locations etc. (MrMom)
5. CPF shootout. Date/ time/location/GPS coordinates. (MrTedBear/MrMom)
6. Ticket information.(Cyclops942)
7. Surefire CPF party information. (CPF Admin/MrMom)
8. At the show daily meet up information.(4sevens)
9. Light related exhibitors listed by booth number-exhibitor name. (Cyclops942) "The SHOT data cruncher"
10. Light related exhibitors listed by exhibitor name-booth number. (Cyclops942)
11.Misc. TSA/travel/security and other information. (MrMom)

Show dates and times
Saturday, February 2, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday, February 3, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Monday, February 4, 2008 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Tuesday, February 5, 2008 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Show link

I am seeking volunteers to coordinate the above sections. Please PM me.
This thread should be only 11 posts long. All updates will be done via post edits. Again, I ask everyone to refrain from posting in this thread unless you are heading up one of the above sections. Let's keep this logistics thread compact with only show pertinent information posted by the CPF member heading up their section.
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Reserved for (1. CPF attendees/hotel/dates.)
This list is independent of all other lists.


PM me to have your name placed on the list.
Name in Day, Date Time - out Day, Date time - Hotel (Strip, Downtown, Off Strip)

MrMom W, 1/30 PM - R, 2/7 PM - Plaza Hotel & Casino (Downtown)
Cyclops942 F, 2/1 PM - W, 2/6 - Clarion Hotel & Suites Emerald Springs
Rothrandir F, 2/1 - W, 2/6 - Sahara (N. Strip)
4sevens (Fenix-Store) SS08 booth #24036 in the gold room look for the minigun mounted on the rollbar
EdwardBear S, 2/2 - T, 2/5 - Riviera (N. Central Strip)
tvodrd S, 2/2 - M, 2/4 - Sahara (N. Strip)
RobynS (PEAK LED) R, 1/31 - W, 2/6 - Extended Stay (off strip) SS08 booth #29112 in the Gold Room
TOMTEC W, 1/30 PM - R, 2/7 PM - Plaza Hotel & Casino (Downtown)
ag94whoop S, 2/2 - T, 2/5 MGM (South strip)
cmiichael (off strip)
bpond (Central Tools) SS08 Booth #25034
Steve-at-Springboard F, 2/1 - T, 2/5 Sam's Town (off strip) SS08 Booth #23037 Gold Room HDS and BatteryStation
Data F, 2/1 - S, 2/3 MGM (South strip) S, 2/3 - T, 2/5 Hilton (convention center)
Bullzeyebill + DW S, 2/2 - T, 2/5 Stratosphere (North strip)
RadarGreg + HO71KO F, 2/1 - ? Best Western Mccarran Inn (off strip)
FlashInThePan S, 2/2 - T, 2/5 Tropicana (South strip)
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Reserved for (2. CPF telephone tree instructions. (all phone numbers sent via PM))
This list is independent of all other lists.


This list has proved useful during past shows as a way for attendees to touch base with others in bustling Las Vegas. Here is how the contact list works:
1. PM me with the following - CPF name, First + Last name, 10 digit cell phone number.
2. I will compile the list and PM the information to everyone on the list one week before I leave for the show.
3. Once you sign up for the contact list, your CPF (name only) will be posted below so that you know who will be receiving your number.
4. Your information from previous shows will not be re-used. You must sign up each year. You can remove yourself at any time.


Data (PM box closed)
Bullzeyebill + DW (PM box full)
RadarGreg + HO71KO
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Reserved for (3 CPF get-togethers. Lunches/dinners/drinks dates/times/locations etc. PM me to list your event.)


2/1/08 CPF Welcome at the LZ, 8PM, an informal gathering to welcome our fellow CPF members arriving. See post #11
2/2/08 6:00PM CPF party hosted by PK, Surefire, Future Electronics and Seoul Semiconductor. (admittance pass required for this event)
2/3/08 SS08 Shootout
2/4/08 Fenix sponsored get-together/dinner hosted by 4sevens. 6PM @ Gold Coast Buffet Dutch treat, Free drawings
2/5/08 Still open
Daily Steve-at-Springboard, SS08 Booth #23037 Gold Room, Free LED pig light for all CPF members. Red shoes not required.
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Reserved for (4 CPF shootout. Date/ time/location/GPS coordinates.)


Sunday, Feb. 3

Dinner 6:00PM, location TBD at the show
Shootout 8:30PM

Mr Ted Bear will again be the Royal King of; "Mmmm Mr. Officer, sir, we are really just playing with these lights...seriously sir". Please join your fellow CPF members for the traditional SHOT Show Shootout.

Bring your big guns and your pocket rockets to show. Don't forget your camera and tripod.

About the location

This years SHOT Show shootout is located within a small saddle at the base of Frenchman Mountain. As the crow flies, it is 10 miles from the convention center. The drive should take 20 minutes. Hop on i15 North, exit on East Lake Mead Blvd and continue until the edge of town. The shootout takes you to an area rich in geologic history. For those with remaining energy after hiking the convention center floor all day, an interpretive trail begins at the shootout location which takes you to a lookout 1/4 mile away. Please visit links below. I do not know if there are any minerals present that will fluoresce under the presence of UV light but let's give it a try.

Frenchman Mountain sports the oldest exposed rock anywhere on this continent. Visit the three links below for the area's geologic significance.
The Great Unconformity
Geologic Research at Frenchman Mountain
Clark Co. Parks + Recreation

SS08 Shootout Coordinates, Photo and map: E. Lake Mead Blvd. Rt. 147 36*11' 53.85"N 115*00' 28.09"W
DdMm.mmmm 36*11.8975'N 115*00.4681'W
360 Degree view Expand to view full size.
Satellite View
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Reserved for (5. Ticket information.)


If I can do it, you can, too!

I registered as an attendee (Registration > Attendee Registration > Standard Registration). On the page after the one where they ask for name and company name, I filled in "Industry professional" in the box labeled "If you are not a licensed dealer please describe your industry affiliation" because I could not fill out either the FFL field or the State Tax ID field above it. Then, since none of the business classifications in Question 1A fit me, I chose "AY - Marketing/Research" to answer Question 1B. I then had to pay $20 to register, which I happily did.

I then received a really pretty HTML-formatted email that I will need to print out and take with me to SS08 so that I can trade it in for my real, live ticket, which I will have to stand in line to obtain. Last time I went (in 2006), I wasted about 45 minutes standing in the line for people who had NOT pre-registered, like I had. All told, I didn't miss anything I needed to see, but it sure was disappointing to be told I had wasted that time. Two years ago, this was done right near the entrance to the exhibition hall, so I'll try to figure all this out ahead of time and post it here.

This post might also be updated later if people need more info. PM me if this doesn't cover it.
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Reserved for 6. (Surefire CPF party information.)

To obtain your required pre-printed name badge, email: mrtedbear@earthlink(dot)net with your CPF name and your real name. This badge/pass is required to be admitted to the PK party. Follow the Surefire/PK invitation thread for deadlines. If your name was listed on the contact list (know thy number), a pass has already been prepared for you.

Requests for name badges officially close 11:59PM Friday night CPF time. Pre-printed name badges will be handed out the night of the party.

Sorry, but no one will be admitted without a pass, no exceptions.


PK, AKA-The photon king major weenie has graciously invited the CPF community to be his guest at the 2008 Shot Show, event of all events, the yellow of highlights, the air under his feet, the Al missing from the door, the SF crash course in lighting best, The CPF/PK party.

Official Invitation to CPF/PK/SHOT party!!

Set your super secret decoder rings for #5349. Mission details to be issued there. Agents 'Future Electronics' and 'Seoul Semiconductor' will provide mission support.

What is Victoria's secret?

Camaraderie begins at 6:00PM, Saturday, February 02 at PK's Hospitality Suite at the Platinum Hotel on 211 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas.

Transmission out-
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Reserved for 7. (At the show daily meet up information.)


The shotshow is HUGE and it's rather hard to meet up with people.

This is for facilitating gatherings twice a day during the show to meet and greet
at 11:30am and 4:30pm.

It's a great way to meet up and head somewhere for lunch/dinner or before
an evening event.

Tentatively, we've set the default location at the Fenix Booth in the Gold Room (#24036)

If someone would like to suggest another location or volunteer their booth, shoot me a PM :D




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Reserved for (8. Light related exhibitors listed by booth number-exhibitor name.)


3027 Premierlight
5113 Streamlight, Inc.
5309 Essential Gear, Inc. | eGear
5349 SureFire, LLC
5488 Sheffield Tools | GreatLITE Flashlights
5578 Coast Products | LED Lenser
5613 LRI - Photon Micro Light
5704 Adventure Lights, Inc.
5781 Moteng
5904 Import Merchandiser's, Inc. | MasterVision Cap Lights
5971 ACR Electronics, Inc.
6405 Mag Instrument, Inc. | MAGLITE
7004 Traser H3 Watches
7051 Nite Ize, Inc.
7128 Golight, Inc.
Luminox Watch Co.

7235 Nite Lite Company
7246 PowerTech Inc. | Smith & Wesson Flashlights
7465 INOVA | Emissive Energy Corporation
7476 Princeton Tec
7675 Pelican Products, Inc.
7711 AE Light | Div. of Allsman Enterprises, LLC
7914 Streamlight, Inc.
8165 Princeton Tec
8432 PentagonLight
8509 Beamshot-Quarton USA, Inc.
8609 LightForce USA, Inc. | NightForce Optics
8677 Insight Tech-Gear
8735 Laser Devices, Inc.
8829 J-TECH (Steady Flying Enterprise Co., Ltd.)
9015 First-Light USA, LLC
9044 Quiqlite Inc.
9125 ASP, Inc.
21109 Xenonics
20120 SteriPEN | Hydro-Photon, Inc.
21123 Barbolight | TDI Arms
21123 TDI Arms | Barbolight
21071 FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions
21801 Underwater Kinetics
23057 PowerFlare
23074 Adventure Lights, Inc.
23080 TigerLight, Inc.
23037 BatteryStation | HDS | Springboard Engineering
23037 HDS| Springboard Engineering | BatteryStation
Springboard Engineering | BatteryStation | HDS
23097 AmeriGlo
23101 Polarion-USA
23114 Peak Beam Systems, Inc.
24030 Permalight (Asia) Co. Ltd. | Pila Flashlights
24036 Fenix Flashlights, LLC
24086 Petzl America
25024 IDC Cobalt | IDC Westinghouse Black Flag
25025 IDC Cobalt | IDC Westinghouse Black Flag
25034 Central Tools, Inc.
25036 Pelican Products, Inc.

25094 Ivus Industries

26026 Nuwai International Co., Ltd. | Nuwai LED Light
25058 Industrial Revolution | Light My Fire USA

26097 Phoebus Tactical Flashlights | Phoebus Manufacturing

27121 Brite-Strike TECHNOLOGIES

28027 L.A. Lighter, Inc. | Viclight
28074 Panther Vision
28091 Digitec Tactical
29112 Peak LED Solutions
30046 ieNergy USA, Inc.
30056 Novatac, Inc.
30094 First Light Net

* -- self-identified CPF posters or lurkers (PM me by EOD 1/28 to have me add highlighting)

I know I must have missed some. If you know of any that are not on this list, PM me with the business name.
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Reserved for (9. Light related exhibitors listed by exhibitor name-booth number.)


5971 ACR Electronics, Inc.
5704 Adventure Lights, Inc.
23074 Adventure Lights, Inc.
7711 AE Light | Div. of Allsman Enterprises, LLC
23097 AmeriGlo
9125 ASP, Inc.
21123 Barbolight | TDI Arms
23037 BatteryStation | HDS | Springboard Engineering
8509 Beamshot-Quarton USA, Inc.
7741 BlackHawk Products Group
25034 Central Tools, Inc.
5578 Coast Products | LED Lenser
28091 Digitec Tactical
5309 Essential Gear, Inc. | eGear
24036 Fenix Flashlights, LLC
30094 First Light Net
9015 First-Light USA, LLC
21071 FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions
7128 Golight, Inc.
23037 HDS| Springboard Engineering | BatteryStation
25024 IDC Cobalt | IDC Westinghouse Black Flag
25025 IDC Cobalt | IDC Westinghouse Black Flag
5904 Import Merchandiser's, Inc. | MasterVision Cap Lights
25058 Industrial Revolution | Light My Fire USA
30046 ieNergy USA, Inc.
7465 INOVA | Emissive Energy Corporation
8677 Insight Tech-Gear
25094 Ivus Industries, Inc
8829 J-TECH (Steady Flying Enterprise Co., Ltd.)
28027 L.A. Lighter, Inc. | Viclight
8735 Laser Devices, Inc.
8609 LightForce USA, Inc. | NightForce Optics
5613 LRI - Photon Micro Light
7213 Luminox Watch Co.
Mag Instrument, Inc. | MAGLITE
5781 Moteng, Inc.
Nite Ize, Inc.
Nite Lite Company
30056 Novatac, Inc.
26026 Nuwai International Co., Ltd. | Nuwai LED Light
28074 Panther Vision
23114 Peak Beam Systems, Inc.
29112 Peak LED Solutions
7675 Pelican Products, Inc.
25036 Pelican Products, Inc.
8432 PentagonLight
24030 Permalight (Asia) Co. Ltd. | Pila Flashlights
24086 Petzl America
26097 Phoebus Tactical Flashlights | Phoebus Manufacturing
23101 Polarion-USA
23057 PowerFlare
7246 PowerTech Inc. | Smith & Wesson Flashlights
3027 Premierlight
7476 Princeton Tec
8165 Princeton Tec
9044 Quiqlite Inc.
5488 Sheffield Tools | GreatLITE Flashlights
23037 Springboard Engineering | BatteryStation | HDS
20120 SteriPEN | Hydro-Photon, Inc.
5113 Streamlight, Inc.
7914 Streamlight, Inc.
5349 SureFire, LLC
21123 TDI Arms | Barbolight
23080 TigerLight, Inc.
7004 Traser H3 watches
Underwater Kinetics
21109 Xenonics

* -- self-identified CPF posters or lurkers (PM me by EOD 1/28 to have me add highlighting)

I know I must have missed some. If you know of any that are not on this list, PM me with the business name.
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CPF Welcome @ the Landing Zone

Welcome the inbound SHOT Show attendees.

McCarran International Airport is one of the nations busiest. Steady streams of aircraft are continually stacked in the sky on their final approach to runways 25L and 25R. A dedicated parking area was developed a mere 500 feet from runway 25L. Signs there direct you to tune your radio to 88.5FM where all inbound radio traffic is re-broadcasted. The LZ parking area is located on the South East perimeter of McCarran along E. Sunset Dr.

Join your fellow early bird CPF SS fans for a bit of socializing and off beat fun at the LZ. Watch up close and listen to the steady stream of aircraft activity. We will meet at 8PM, Friday 2/1 in the West side of the parking lot. Bring your small pocket lights for a little bit of show and tell. Due to the sensitive nature of this area, save your big guns for the Shootout scheduled for Sunday 2/3.

Google Map

TSA travel information links

TSA What To Know Before You Go

TSA lithium based battery regulations
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