Sorry, no photos, but i had always liked the look of the M2/M3 series lights. One of my favorites would be the pen shaped PN20A2 AAA x 2. This little torch has the smoooothest, artifact free beam i've ever seen. Its a great EDC light. I dont have any M2 lights, but i do have an M3C4 SST50, an XPG-R5 tri, and a single XML version. Each has their own charactistic's and IMVHO are all great lights. As some say, you either love/hate the looks. I reckon they look great. Hopefully soon, i'll be adding a tri XML to the collection. If i had to pick a favorite out of the three i have at present, i think it'd be the XML. It throws better than the SST50 and floods nearly as good as the tri R5.
Best wishes, Mike