SL Litebox?

Big Tex

Jan 11, 2001
Anyone have one of these? The beam on mine is terrible. If I had bought it from a dealer, I would have sent it back. What's the problem? Bulb? Reflector? Or is this normal on this light? Any recommendations? I like the light but sure would like to improve the beam. Thanx
We got 16 in our rigs. All are the same. What is the problem with your beam?
Alex, it's hard to explain. The beam is just scattered around. Lots of dark spots. Some light around the edges, then some dark spots and so forth. The reflector looks ok to me. Maybe I should try to take a pic of it?
That would help. On the SF board I have a pic of SL Litebox's beam posted."Pics by FC-Fire/Rescue", check it out, let me know what you think.
Here ya go:


if that doesn't work, it's in the "Non-rechargeable" section, last post 2/14/02,9:53AM
How does the lens look like? Is it clear, or does it have "ridges" in it?
Sucks to be you
bad lamp...
I just walked downstairs to check em all. Every beam is almost the same.

What kind of lens do you have? We got two with flood beam lenses, those do suck. The rest are spot lenses - that's what's in the pic.

I'm interested in your pics but the SF board is down. I'll have to come back to look at your pics.

Big Tex: I've got a SL Litebox with a spot lamp and it's a very thin beam, almost like a laser beam because it's very tight. The reflector is a smooth. it would have been nice to have a bigger beam, but I'll have to live with it.