
Newly Enlightened
Jun 24, 2007
Hey everybody, I'm new here so pardon my ignorance. I've picked apart the forums the best I could and didn't find the info. I'm trying to get the parts to put a couple space needle 2's together. The one thing I'm having trouble tracking down is the emitter for it. I don't know if I've just been looking for the wrong thing or what, I tried searching with the bin in the do it yourself guide and came up with nothing but a link back to the guide itself. Maybe the #'s are obsolete? Anyway, does anyone know which emitter is required for it, have a source for them, or maybe shoot me a link? I need to try and have these built by 7/4 if possible so any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Space Needle originally uses a Luxeon V but with the arrival of Seoul(P4 U bin, AKA SSC) and Cree(P4, Q2, Q3, Q4) LEDs with twice the efficiency, it might be a better idea to use on of the newer LEDs. I'd suggest the Seoul since it has a closer emitting pattern when compared to the Luxeon. Don't use the 3 CR123 batteies because they will burn out the Seoul LED. You could probably use the 2 C batteries and use a boost circuit like the Badboy 750 mAh board(yes it adds price and more complexity but you will get a better. regulated light in the end IMO). Just make sure to isolate the positive slug or there will be a short. Seoul(shipping from Dealextreme takes from 2 weeks to a month, probably will not arrive by 7/4), and At sandwichshoppe.

Or you could also buy a Malkoffdevice Maglite Drop-in (only for the Maglite D cells though). Sort of like a Space Needle drop-in.

Seoul Maglite mods: Project Gemini, 2D with micropuck(easily modified to work on a 2C mag), Quad SSC mag 2C, Mag 3D, 4 SSC Magmod, My favorite: Mag Cree Asperical mod (74,000Lux at 1 meter!)

Welcome to CPF!
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Thanks a ton for the info bro! I'll probably experiment with all of that now that I have some more direction on it. I'm not too worried about having to get more parts as long as it's done right in the end, and if I learn something from it that's just a bonus. I was going by the instructions and that looked like a direct drive on the luxV so I'm gonna try and get my hands on a couple of those if i can. I'll do some reading and try and figure out how to do the rest of the stuff without frying parts. If the D mag drop-in ends up being the only one I can make happen by 7/4 so be it I guess, the rest will give me something to mess with.
Thanks again! :twothumbs