So I ordered the 9p now what?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 29, 2009
I ordered the 9p and the m60 drop in yesterday. Any other upgrades for the 9p that I should consider? I was thinking it might me nice to have a low mode but I see alot of guys just buy the m60LL. Would be nice to be able to use it in some in-house situations when I dont need the full 235. Should I consider switching to another battery type? I just dont know all the options and upgrades available really.
A pair of 17500 cells would make a great rechargable setup. It would not make it any brighter/dimmer, but you will save $$$ on cells in the long run, and keep spent cells out of the recycle bins.

Add a SF flip diffuser to transform it into an M60F.
the 1st time i had to replace batteries in my g3 i realized i had to go the rechargable route. the 17500 are a big plus with a 9p. with them you might also enjoy some of the many incan options available.
the defuser idea is a good one. i'm guessing that if you fire that m60 off indoors you'll get one soon enough.
+1 on the 17500 rechargeables. I've been using them for years.

They will power the P90 incan bulb that comes with the 9P and your new M60 LED dropin.

Get a spares carrier. It will hold your P90 bulb with 6 123's. Good for general storage at home or to take along.

A FM34 beam diffuser will not give you a low output but will spread the beam out well for closer in use.

If you can find one, an A14 tube extension on your 9P will let you use 3 AA batteries with your M60. It will make the light body much longer though.
i didn't see any 17500 batteries for sale in the battery sub forum. PM me and i'll point you in a good direction for them. make sure get protected cells when you buy them.
you might be able to snag a diffuser in the CPF marketplace if you keep your eyes peeled and are patient.
Sent you a PM.
The crenellated strike bezel on the 6pd can you just buy that piece or do you have to get a whole new bezel.
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Sent you a PM.
The crenellated strike bezel on the 6pd can you just buy that piece or do you have to get a whole new bezel.

PM sent... when you check out the site you're gonna find things you didn't know you needed or wanted. happy hunting :thumbsup:
Got some 17500's in the cart trying to decide on a charger now. I will be purchasing a 6p also is there a combo I could do to use the same batteries in both lights. I could just keep the cr123a's in the 6p tho no biggie.
Like everyone else stated, I also suggest some rechargables.

Next thing to do is wait till it gets dark and have some fun!
WoW I can't believe nobody suggested you look at the different Surefire clicky options.

The diffuser, rechargables, and a clicky is about all anyone needs.
Pila makes a fine charger!
Hello JJay03
You should be able to use that charger just fine.

I would suggest just build a little external fixture that wires the cells in parallel, and charge them as a single larger capacity cell, this will balance the cells without the need for a balance tap on the setup. your total charge rate should be around 1-2 amps with this setup. Cut the charge rate in half you are charging a single cell at a time for some reason.

Protected cells are very important here as there is no way to see when you have over-discharged a pair of li-ion cells when they are powering a buck regulated LED module.

I really like AWs 17500 cells and have always had remarkable results with them. They seem to actually come in at over over their stated 1100mAH capacity claim in many cases.

you'll find a couple links in my sig line that will help you get up to speed on the use of these cells in various flashlights...

Nobody mentioned this so far so I'll give you a head start here:

A CR123 is around 16.5mm diameter by ~33.5mm long. Also known as a 16340
A 17500 is around 16.8mm diameter by ~50mm long :)

As it turns out, 2 17500s end to end fill roughly the same space as 3 CR123s.
Thanks im going to see if I can rig somethin up to charge them with. I also made an adapter so I can charge my ryobi 18v batteries :). I use the balance tap for my 2cell lipo's.