so which is brighter? battle between led and incan


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2007
So while playing around with my malkoff quad, a question came to my mind, supposedly with 4 dcell nimh batteries i can get the max output of the dropin around 1000 lumens, supposedly! So this begs the question, would it outperform say a mag85, i know were talking about two different types of light here, yet i still have the question Which would be brighter, can the malkoff really put out 1000 lumens, can it beat a mag85 theroetically??? YOU TELL ME :devil:
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Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

I'm not sure what a Mag85 is rated at, but if they were both 1000 lumens, then they would be equal. As for throw, I'm almost certain the Mag would throw considerably farther, especially if it's using a smooth reflector.
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

sorry no, not trolling, just really want to know
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

i think the mag is reated around 800 our the front, but the malkoff, no one really knows, except the poeple who are really good with voltage and amp numbers who can approximate using malkoffs info
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

it really depends on how far your willing to go in terms of making clustered LED mods or using a bigger hotwire lamp...but a down to earth response would be dunno. Besides, incan and LED are hard to compare in beamshots. as for lumen values per flashlight? I'd say forget them, they're not much help unless your discussing incan vs incan or LED vs. LED

its apples and oranges in the same lot when questions like this is asked, and theres countless previous threads discussing incan vs. LED already "shrug:
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

hmmm do you think as far as lumens the malkoff really could output 1000 lumens?
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

I'd have to double check to see what emitters Gene is using, but assuming he can get around 250 lumens from each LED x 4, that's 1000 emitter lumens. Lumens out the front would be a little less, maybe 800-850?

Okay, just checked his site, Cree Q5's at 1150mA. So he should be getting at least 250 lumens per emitter, maybe more around 265-270? He claims 1,000+ bulb lumens, which sounds about right. That's bulb lumens, or emitter lumens, not out the front lumens.
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Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

so it would be interesting, both have approx the same out the front lumens, someone should really do a head to head test on a mag85 and malkof quad mag.... that would be entertaining, the ultimate led vs incan showdown
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

If you want to know if LEDs or Incans are brighter, LEDS win. There are 1000 lumen output LEDs made by CREE and Ostar. Much MUCH more energy efficient and many times more bang for the size.
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

If you want to know if LEDs or Incans are brighter, LEDS win. There are 1000 lumen output LEDs made by CREE and Ostar. Much MUCH more energy efficient and many times more bang for the size.
Apparently, you've never seen a real hotwire. 1kL is nothing.

(And who mentioned efficiency? I think the OP was asking about output. :thinking: )
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

Apparently, you've never seen a real hotwire. 1kL is nothing.

(And who mentioned efficiency? I think the OP was asking about output. :thinking: )

+1 - My M*g623 makes around 4000 lumens output (+ or - a few hundred).

Efficiency (energy used, runtime, etc.) is obviously a different story...
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

Apparently, you've never seen a real hotwire. 1kL is nothing.

(And who mentioned efficiency? I think the OP was asking about output. :thinking: )

your right i was thanks

well, as soon as my d cel nimh batteries come, ill have to post some real beamshots, and see if i can get this beast up to 1k lumens
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

i wish we could do a side by side!
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

I think it depends what your talking about.Smaller lights I think LED wins easily. They are able to produce bright output at low consumption. Now if your talking about big lights Incans win easily. They consume a lot of power but dont really have the limits LEDs do. Most hotwires overdrive bulbs where LEDs cant really be overdriven. So if your talking size to brightness ratio, LEDs probally win. But if you have no size limit, Incans can pretty easily win. :thumbsup:
Re: so which is brighter? batle between led and incan

im talking using a mag body as the control, equal space, to see which combo can do more
Ok. Well brightness in a mag Id say Incan wins. The bad thing is they are hard to build. Lux Luthor has a list of the brightest Incan mag mods and some of them look insanely bright.:faint:

Now for the Malkoff vs. Mag85, it all depends. I dont have the Malkoff but I do have a Mag85. The mag85 probably has more throw, and the malkoff has more flood. It also depends how much you want to mod the Mag85.It will be brighter if you do resistance mods, use a bi-pin socket, good batteries,what kind of reflector your using, ect. It all depends how much your willing to pay and how much you want to work on it. You could always take the CPF way and buy both!;)
I do not have any incans. just LEDs. But when I saw this thread I know incans are brighter.
LuxLuthor's Most Powerful Maglite Mods List
Mac's legendary Torch (of setting things on fire fame on Youtube) at 4100 lumens only made it to #6 on the list.
The best LEDs are only ~1000 lumens at this time.

Take a look at this thread - a nice mix of incans, LEDs, HIDs and guns.
BIG GUNS Collections - Weenies need not apply

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