Flashlight Enthusiast

All prices include shipping! Please post "I'll take it/them" followed by the number. PM me for Paypal address. Paypal only, ships to U.S. only. Payment to be made within 24 hours. Thanks!
1. Withdrawn
2. Withdrawn
3. DealExtreme 3 level Headlamp modded with Cree P4. Runs on 3 AAA batteries. Throws really really well!! Has bright sidespill too, so it works fine for indoor use...but it really excels for long distance lighting. Has high, low, and flashing modes. This one hasn't seen real outside use, but it has been a platform to test SSC vs Cree emitters in it. It's in great shape though. $17 ***SOLD***
Link: http://dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.479
4. Cyan Luxeon emitters (4 of them), brand new, bought from PhotonFanatic. These are really nice! $20 ***SOLD*** http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=110397
5. Brand new Coast 7736 modded with SSC P4. See the link in my signature line for info. ***SOLD***
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