Product Status: Sent to Canada Post ETA 3-8 days----- Updated 1214 hours (GMT -07:00) on 2009-JUL-28
Price: 110USD plus shipping
1.9P Body (black) attached to a A14 cell extender (Black and its 1.5x CR123 battery length) a KT3-HA (Hard Anodize) ending with a Z49 (Black) Click-On tailcap ((BORED OUT TO FIT unprotected 18500 thickness cells))
2. DSD Charger (protected) with spacers and home made spacers for 18500 cells and others
3. Multi Voltage (input and output) regulated adaptor with 800mA current
4. MN60 spare bulb
5. Empty SC2 Battery Carrier
6. Home made resistor capsule (to extend the life of the MN60 bulb if you use rechargeables like 18500 cells as current feed is higher w/o resistor)
7. Home made spacer (for use with 4 CR123 cells as extender is 4.5 cell length).
8. 3x 18500 cells (unprotected)
Shipping: 15 USD (U.S.A. 11-12 Business Days)
10 USD (Canada 8 Business Days)
PM if you live outside of US or Canada
Paypal address: [email protected]
Sells to: Anyone
Transaction type: Paypal Only
Costmatic Condition: Wearing on the edges of the turbohead. Minor wearing on edges on other parts
Working Condition: Works fine
Reason for Sale: Need $$$ before i sell myself
This flashlight has flexibility of using 4x CR123 or 3 18500 unprotected cells. Downside is the spacers to fill in the blanks.
I did consider selling everthing part by part but i think it is a hassle.
PM or post here to ask more questions but first to or gets it.
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