I'm pretty new to the whole modding scene and this will be my first one since I was 8 or 9 hehe But I'm revising a Radio Shack Metamorph, basically a Sauce Light wand. I've put a bigger battery pack on it and a mercury switch. Well everything works fine cept I haven't found a "perfect" container for it yet. BTW Wolfman if you're reading this, I'm still interested in your Zzz...Lite mods possibly to use for this
But my main concern is that with everything being so small and fragile I don't dare to touch it
So I'm wondering if I can just epoxy everything together to make one solid unit, less the merc switch and battery pack. Or more simply I'm trying to firm up my wire connections to the very tiny board. I'm not up on my epoxies so I have no idea what to use. Are there any bad ones to not use on electrical circuits due to corrosion or anything like that? Any help would be most appreciated. Any ideas on what to put this in would be welcome too. I'm looking to making something similiar to the Zzz...Lite. Just not quite as big. Thanks guys.
-The local LiteFreek
But my main concern is that with everything being so small and fragile I don't dare to touch it
-The local LiteFreek