Sparks @ tailcap?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2010
Hi all, i just got my new fm 12aa 4d batteryholder. It fits very nicely in my maglite but when i try to put the tailcap on i noticed little sparks around there. Is this normal? I made the stock mag switch a momentary one. Can somebody explain why this is happening?
Hi all, i just got my new fm 12aa 4d batteryholder. It fits very nicely in my maglite but when i try to put the tailcap on i noticed little sparks around there. Is this normal? I made the stock mag switch a momentary one. Can somebody explain why this is happening?
You have a short circuit -- don't assemble the light. Do some continuity testing and find out where the short circuit is. Check the battery holder especially.
I realy have no clue why it is shorting out. will it help if i post some pictures of the driver+switch? The battery(pack) messures 16 volt with 12 brand new eneloops.
Check each element of the system with a meter in continuity test mode (or resistance test mode if you don't have a continuity tester). Check the switch, the light itself, and the path where you would be inserting the batteries. Check the battery holder itself. Look for places where the battery holder might be shorting during insertion. Put dummy batteries (pieces of wire) in the battery holder like they are batteries and test for appropriate continuity throughout the light. Basically figure out where it's passing current when you try to add the tailcap.
i take it you have some sort of driver in this? if so surely it will draw some power when you put on the tailcap because of you rmomentary switch? thats why the sparks especially when your running many volts, but if no driver it has to be a dead short somewhere
I tested my light first using 4 dcell alkalines and the stock mag bulb, it worked great, but there was something i noticed the driver made a high pitch noice. For exable: when i put the light in fade in fade out mode the noice is higer when the light is brighter. that was my first clue something was wrong. And now sparks at the tail? Iam realy thinking i has something to do with the switch there's a constant current a the body when i put the tailcap on. This is the way i made my switch: @post number2.
My problem is fixed! The sparks where indeed coming from powering the capacitors.