Star base Cree replacement?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2012
I have a flashlight,(forgot the make and model) that the LED has gone bad. I'll include a picture to see if you guys/gals can help me figure out a replacement. It's powered by 9 AA batteries.
Looks like an XML-2 on a standard 20mm star.

You can replace it on the same star with an XML2 or SST-40. Or you can replace it with any 3v emitter as long as it is on a 20mm star (XPL, XPL HI, SST-20, LH351D, Nichia 219C, etc.).
Or you can replace it with any 3v emitter as long as it is on a 20mm star (XPL, XPL HI, SST-20, LH351D, Nichia 219C, etc.).
I'd be cautious about replacing with a 3V emitter that isn't rated for at least 3A, though. Most folks who are using the larger die emitters are doing so because they are trying to get higher output, and that usually comes from driving at high currents.

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