Stop me buying a tiny Fenix please !!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2009
North Wales UK
Started with the AAA Microstream, my edc for the last 2 years,have the bigger brother Stylus Pro.

Have the ITP A3 EOS 3 mode version, plus added a few AA cell lights this last couple of weeks.

Now I want the little Fenix EO1 for no other reason than I want it.

Am I going nuts or what😀
Stop you, you say? Ok, I'll give it a shot...STOP RIGHT NOW!!

Did it work?

Incidentally, the tiny fenix makes a great back-up or loaner light, great runtime, I hear. 😀
HAHA i hope not because if your crazy we have a community of maniacs around here 😗. the E01 is a great and really tough little light im sure youll have fun with this purchase :wave:
yea for the price the e01 is a must have in everybody's collection.

great back up light for a flashaholic
Main light for non flashahoics
Disagree. The only thing the E01 has going for it is the price - but these days a Maratac or ITP is only a little bit more.

mcnair - the E01 uses the same 5mm LED as those little keychain lights and has a beam like an inverse fried egg: a purple blob in a pale yellow sea. OK, it's cheap . . . but there is a reason why they say that you get what you pay for !
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i would advice against it.. personal pet peeve.. the tint is ugly purple! and oval shaped! and with purple i mean bluish purple.

i tried it. the function and the feel of the light is great. it really feels solid and durable. and runtime is decent. i only wish fenix would upgrade the led to something with alot more whiter tint.

now it is back in its box.. i havent found any use for it. i wont even dare to give it to any of my friends.. they have seen my normal lights.. and that weird tint would make them laugh or curse at me "so im not worthy of a decent light eh? only a weird colored and odd shaped beam not those nice ones you shown me before..?"

so the e01 sits in its box. it is one of my worst purchases. with other lights, i can almost find a niche they fit in.

the itp eos filled the niche i thought the e01 might be ok for but wasnt.
OK I'll stop you.
*Remember everyone I was asked to do this, actual opinions may differ.*

It's poop. It's so blue you'd be suprised they call it a white emitter with a straight face. The anno comes off at a shocking rate. The hole for the lanyard is too small to use plus it's thin and flimsy. Oh and I heard a rumor that the E01 causes testicular cancer. Might want to avoid that.
Fenix doesn't need your money. Peak does! Foursevens does!

Get a better AAA flashlight. :poke:
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i would advice against it.. personal pet peeve.. the tint is ugly purple! and oval shaped! and with purple i mean bluish purple.

i tried it. the function and the feel of the light is great. it really feels solid and durable. and runtime is decent. i only wish fenix would upgrade the led to something with alot more whiter tint.

now it is back in its box.. i havent found any use for it. i wont even dare to give it to any of my friends.. they have seen my normal lights.. and that weird tint would make them laugh or curse at me "so im not worthy of a decent light eh? only a weird colored and odd shaped beam not those nice ones you shown me before..?"

so the e01 sits in its box. it is one of my worst purchases. with other lights, i can almost find a niche they fit in.

the itp eos filled the niche i thought the e01 might be ok for but wasnt.

Maybe you could give the OP a good deal on your E01 that just sits in the box?
Got the wife a purple E01. She says it's too dim to be useful. Getting her a purple ITP AAA for her birthday instead.

The most use the E01 gets is was as a fingernail file.

Got a new gold one too. It sits in the box unloved. Will probably be gifted to someone I barely know.
Completely normal to want a light for no good reason. Most of us are in this position. I won't bash the E01 except to repeat the warning about the funky beam. In real use it's not a problem and I think it's plenty bright enough for its mission.

You think YOU have a problem? Let me know when you order ANY 1xAAA light that isn't plastic just because you don't have it. That's where I'm at let me tell you, it ain't pretty. 😀

Just wait until you buy a $150 AAA light just because you want it and then you just put it on a shelf with a bunch of other $100 plus lights that you don't use but you wanted them. THAT, my friend is when you will just look around and laugh because you are at the depths of your addiction and have hit rock bottom. Unfortunately, there is little hope for salvation at that point, but as luck would have it, you will be properly equipped for the darkness before you. 😉

So unless you want to end up like us, DON'T DO IT (buy a LF2XT, Preon, and a illuminaTi instead). :devil:
And while you're at it, pick up an LD01 for your Streamlight Stylus Pro body, the LD01 head absolutely loves to run on 2xAAA NiMH for 120-140 lumens or so. 😉
Why carry a penlight when you can carry a penlight!
Get a second 1TP 3A EOS and put a 10440 battery in it. It's amazingly bright and for not much more than the Fenix E01--and the 3 mode is so versatile with the low low and the high high. It's definitely my edc of choice these days! You can even get it in red and blue now.
Rather spend it on more iTP's.

A single mode would do nicely with a Microstream body as a sort of mini mini tac light. Get some small o-rings to fill the gap it leaves on the threads.

It really does put out as much as my G2 with a P60L in it after its run for a minute.
Started with the AAA Microstream, my edc for the last 2 years,have the bigger brother Stylus Pro.

Have the ITP A3 EOS 3 mode version, plus added a few AA cell lights this last couple of weeks.

Now I want the little Fenix EO1 for no other reason than I want it.

Am I going nuts or what😀
What other reason do you need? Your hopelessly hooked! I'd get the iTP in SS myself though..............:poke: