StrikerVG-HC Review (SSC P4-U) - *** NEW BEAMSHOTS ADDED vs P1D-CE (24/2/07) ***


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2007
*** WARNING: This review is on the _modified_ version of the Striker VG, utilising the Seoul P4 U-bin emitter as seen on this thread. ***

*** Please keep in mind that I do not own an unmodded version of this light to compare it to, so this mini-review will be based on the overall impression I get from this light as if it came like this originally. ***

I won't go into too much detail on the specs of this light, since they are the same as the unmodded version (except the output of course which is now rated as ~185 lumens). The specs can be found on the abovementioned thread and on LedLogic's website.


The light is very compact and feels very solid. It is of very good quality, perfectly machined, and waterproof to 50 feet. Its HAIII finish also seems to be of very high quality. I have to say I was a surprised when I first saw it, since from the photos I've seen I've expected it to be much bigger. The light's body is exactly the same size as my Inova X5, and the head sits just on top, adding about 4cm to the overall length. It is not bulky, or heavy for that matter, but it is not a keychain light either. Depending on how big someone is, he might even use it for EDC, which role by the way, is very capable of fulfilling due to its brightness-dimming capabilities. Overall it is about the size of a minimag, just a bit "fatter".




The user interface is really simple to use and after a while it becomes second nature:

- Press the button and keep it pressed for momentary usage. When the button is released, it switches off.

- Press the button twice in quick succession. Constant ON

- Keep the button pressed while turning the light on (i.e. two pushes, without releasing the button after the second "press"). Starts cycling brightness levels, starting from dimmest. When happy with output, simply lift finger from button and it stays there.

- Three "clicks" from any mode, and you get the Strobe. From what I can see, it is about 40% brighter than "high" while in strobe mode. Really disorienting. I believe the additional brightness brought by the emitter swap just made this mode as annoying and disorienting as it can get, which is probably a good thing.

-One click from any mode, will turn the light off.

I'm pretty happy with the UI as it is, with the only exception being that it would be nice if the light "remembered" the last brightness level it was put on, before switching it off. Not a major issue though.


This light is *seriously* bright. No, really. SERIOUSLY bright. It has no problem whatsoever to light-up items, that are lit from a 100W common household incan bulb, and placed just a few inches away from it, in such a way that you can see the hotspot and most of its corona very clearly. It also does not appear to have any tint. It is just really white.

It makes a quick meal, as far as brightness goes, of my 4D Maglite. The light it reminds me the most, as far as output/brightness/throw goes, is the incan Underwater Kinetics (UK now I think) SL6. [Note: <--- Seriously nice light for diving/spearfishing]. I provide some beamshots from this point onwards, but keep in mind that the 4D mag had just had a brand spanking new set of batteries installed just to make sure that it will produce its maximum possible output for comparison's sake, and additionally it's focus was configured to a tight spot in order to produce it's maximum possible brightness. I apologize for only being able to compare it to a 4Dmag, but I am relatively new to this, so my collection is pretty small, my UK SL6 is not currently available, and my Inova X5s, especially being floodlights, wound't even register on the photo, next to this monster.

*** UPDATE ***

I also added a few beamshots of the StrikerVG-HC against a newly acquired Fenix P1D-CE. The P1D-CE outputs 135 lumens (on specs, members who measured report 110ish) so the beamshots will give you an even better idea of what I'm talking about. Keep in mind, all of the P1D-CE's beamshots are taken on its highest setting, except the low-setting comparative one, where both lights were on their lowest possible setting.


StrikerVG-HC vs 4D MAG

+1 stop overexposed

Normal exposure (0 stops)

-1 stop underexposured

-2 stops underexposured

I was able to clearly light-up an area, about 100 feet away from my window, which was already lit by 4 street-lights.

Very impressive feat, especially considering the abnormaly small size of this light, in relation with its output. You simply never expect to see that much light coming out of a small-sized light like this one.

Even though it is obviously a very bright light, it also has a more "gentle" nature as well. By keeping the button pressed while turning it on, it drops to the dimmest setting and then gradually starts increasing it's output in a very linear way. In whatever point the user is happy with its output, he just has to lift his finger off the button, and the output just stays at that level.

Surprisingly enough, the lowest setting is really usable, and by no means "too bright". So much so, that I believe that it can be used in the dark without totally destroying its user's night vision, while at the same time, increasing its runtime considerably. I haven't used the stock version of the Striker VG to compare it to, but I can honestly say that it is "just right" for tasks such as navigating through a wooded area, in dimmly lit streets, etc.

Lowest-Brightness - Normal Exposure beamshot (0 stops)

Lowest-Brightness -1 stops underexposed

Lowest-Brightness -2 stops underexposed

StrikerVG-HC vs P1D-CE (highest setting)

Normal Exposure (0 stops)


-1 Stop Underexposed


-2 Stops Underexposed


P1D-CE low - StrikerVG-HC low (normal exposure)


In order to give you an idea of the amount of light this little thing puts out, I've taken a pic, of it, lighting up a totally dark room by bouncing its light off the ceiling... Normal exposure of course (0 stops).


This light uses PWM for its dimming functionality, so when it is at its dimmest setting, if moved rapidly, one can notice some flickering. Occasionally using the peripheral vision, one can see the light flickering under normal use as well, but it is in no way stressing to the eyes and the vast majority of people won't even notice. When the light is used in a higher than the dimmest setting this becomes less of an issue. Of course, there is also an advantage to this, since by using PWM for dimming, there are no tint changes on the beam; a problem that lights that don't use PWM usually have, not to mention the extra runtime gained.

Personally, this doesn't really bother me at all, but I know that some people don't particularly like this "feature". Having said that, this has nothing to do with the mod itself (AFAIK) since the light still uses the original/factory electronics. Just mentioning that so as to not create any misconceptions/questions about this being a result of the mod or not.

Some outdoors beamshots, as well as additional comparison beamshots with even more lights, are available in the original thread.


It uses 2 x CR123A cells. However the manufacturer states that it can safely use RCR123s with no problems. I haven't tried any additional battery types on it (and I don't have any handy anyways).


Runtime should be about the same as the original version, since there were no changes made to the driver.

This means about 1h runtime on "high", and an estimate of ~18-20h on its dimmest setting, which I think is great (Will have to verify that, so bare with me on this one).

Thumbs up: Throw, Brightness, No Tint, Runtime, Quality, Waterproof, Size, Dimming capabilities

Thumbs down: None

Maybes: PWM regulation => some flickering MIGHT be noticed in low-brightness level.

PS: Be gentle, this is my first review :candle:
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Re: Striker VG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Fantastic job! I particularly enjoyed your photo of the ceiling bounce test, can't believe that's a totally dark room! If you can add one outdoor shot, this review would be top notch.
Re: Striker VG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07**

daveman said:
Fantastic job! I particularly enjoyed your photo of the ceiling bounce test, can't believe that's a totally dark room! If you can add one outdoor shot, this review would be top notch.

Honestly.. totally dark! I will try to take outdoor pics as soon as I can!

This little thing throws exceptionally well, hard to believe it is an LED light if it wasn't for its totally white beam. The optics on this light seem to do their job very well!

Thank you for reading! Hope ppl will enjoy it:thanks:
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Uhm i am seriously frustrated now :(
My modded Striker is terribly blue and definately not as bright as yours, even on RCR3.7 Cells or 17670 cells :/
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Secur1 said:
Uhm i am seriously frustrated now :(
My modded Striker is terribly blue and definately not as bright as yours, even on RCR3.7 Cells or 17670 cells :/

I hope that SV0-tint emitter you ordered from PhotonFanatic gives you the right color you want. If I can be of more assistance, you have my email. :grin2:
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Yeap thanks for all the input Paul, i hope it does the trick as well cause i really like the Striker.
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Secur1 said:
Uhm i am seriously frustrated now :(
My modded Striker is terribly blue and definately not as bright as yours, even on RCR3.7 Cells or 17670 cells :/

I'm really sorry to hear that :/ I hope your emitter-swap will do the trick for you and you finaly have your light just the way you want it...

I hope this review helped people, and especially I hope it gave you a reference point to have something to compare your light to. I'd surely be glad if other members who got their lights would post here, to compare opinions if nothing else.

Good luck with your swap m8!
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

anyone have one and can do some lux@1m readings?
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

No lightmeter m8, sorry :shrug: :(
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

Great Review!

I was lucky to snag one of these too and have done the 'ceiling bounce test' !!

It's a great little light with massive output!
Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

When I get rich I am going to send out free lightmeters to all modders and reviewers. This decent review of the Seoul'ed Striker deserves some lux numbers.

Re: StrikerVG HC Review (SSC P4-U modded light) ***PICS/BEAMSHOTS ADDED - 18/2/07***

I was thinking of getting some outdoors shots today but it seems I am faced with two problems... :/

1) It 's raining cats and dogs... so even if I did go out, the heavy rain would interfere with both the throw of the light and would make for sucky photos to boot.

and 2) I live in a pretty busy area, so there are no dark areas to take pics to. I don't think that even if I showed a pic of the beam at about 130 feet over an area lit already by 4 streetlamps would be a very good indicator/base for comparison of the light's throw. :/

The only poorly lit area I know of around here is one... what's the word I'm looking for... ah.. yes.. "Criminally Challenged". The only way to go there (and get out, because even if I get the pics, someone has to upload them) is to have a fistfull of bills in your hand, and droping a few every 10 feet, as a distraction, for the thugs running after you. Well, money or Swedish babes, but I'm kinda running low on Swedish babes atm.

Sorry about that, hopefully I'll sort something out soon...
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Great review with excellent pics! If I wasn't already committed to buying a few lights right now, I would snatch one of those up :) :goodjob:
Glad to read possitive comments about the review. :grin2:

Matt, I'm editing the review to add the link with the outdoor beamshots if that's ok with you. :)
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