Welcome to the forum man. Let me see if I can get you started on an obsession you won't get away from.
I have nothing against strike bezels this size. It's not adding enough length to matter in the end. If it would come in handy for you, then go ahead. However, you will find a lot of people think it's useless. Remember they speak from their own needs so you have to make sure it's right for you. There is a possibility of them tearing through fabrics over time, so how tight your pants are (given you want to carry it in a pocket) and how it's situated, this might be a problem.
80 lumens is bright enough to overwhelm someones eye sight at a pretty safe distance. It is more than likely enough for 90% of all situations. However, the 6PL Defender uses the P60L LED module. It's just a drop-in that can be replaced with many from the aftermarket. It's not a thrower. It has a pretty decent hotspot, but a lot of spill. So don't expect a thrower, but don't expect it to be all flood. My 4D Maglight could out throw it.
When SureFire said it has an output of 11 hours, they meant until the light completely faded. CPF (Candle Power Forum) members have tested it and confirmed that the P60L will maintain 100% brightness for about 4 hours before it slowly drops in output until it reaches 11 hours. So expect about 4 1/2 - 5 hours of light before you eye might notice a difference.
Remember, it takes 4 times the amount of light for an LED to seem twice as bright. Therefore it can drop a little without your eyes noticing a difference.
LEDs are good in a few ways. They are more efficient for one. Think about this. The 6P has 65 lumens that lasts for about an hour. The 6PL (LED) has 80 lumens that lasts for 4 hours at maximum brightness. LEDs are a lot stronger. A lot. You will be able to drop this thing and know it's going to be able to handle it.
Now, LEDs are also worse in one way that's pretty significant to most. They don't have very good color retention. You will notice that they don't light up browns like they do whites. One member noted a few weeks ago he shined his 200 lumen LED at a river and couldn't see logs floating but another guy shined his incandescant (less lumens) and could spot them easily. The color retention outdoors isn't nearly as good as incandescants. They call it the LED lottery. It's a hit or a miss which tint your going to get. MY 6PL had a cool tint to it. You will only notice this on a white wall for instance. You won't notice it under normal use, but if you go white wall hunting, you will see the coolness. Some people also think LEDs don't allow very much depth perception.
Now before you just start buying:
There are other companies that offer other lights. I'm very SureFire biased and won't buy anything else, but it might not be for you.
There are brighter lights, smaller lights, larger lights, dimmer lights, lights with more modes, lights that function in different ways (ie. reverse clickies), programmable lights (you set the brightness levels), lights with more throw, lights will more flood, etc, etc ,etc.
SureFire is top quality, all of mine have gone to hell and back and work perfect. That said, others will tell you other companies do the same, and I don't doubt it.
Look around the forum, search for a flashlight you might be interested in, and if you can't find anything about something that looks interesting, ask about it.
The 6PLD is a great light and you will not regret it, given it's what your looking for.
So, you might want to take into consideration what type of light best suites you. You might even want to make a new thread about helping you find one and telling people what you would use it for and what you might be looking for. The suggestions will flow.
Good luck, and if this didn't help, I've wasted a lot of time