Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring? w/PICTURE


Mar 2, 2005
I recently received a "different" lanyard ring for my C/6/G series light. Instead of the ring that makes an almost complete circle except for the one small U-Bend, this lanyard has the small U-Bend AND an additional long U-bend that is oriented along the length of the light. Anyone seen one of these or know anything about them? The part came from Surefire. I wonder if this is an old item or new item.

In the second picture - maybe the ring is inverted, but I thought it would hang off a lanyard much better.
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

It's a very old item...
I thought it had been discontinued.

I have one (but not photo I can find at the moment).

Here is one on a 12ZM:
click here
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

Hmm, everything old is new again? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif that sure looks like the precursor to the pocket clip of the U2!

I hope they bring it back. I'm interested.
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

Yeah thats the original Z26 lanyard. It first appeared w/the 6z I think and was an attempt at a pocket clip of sorts--actually more of a pocket "hanger". I used one on my 6z for years and it worked fine as long as you didn't do cartwheels or jump around too much. I wish SF would bring them back, they're quite useful on certain lights.
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

I *may* wind up with some extras for trading purposes.
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

Yup, that's the famous Z26. It was mostly on 12ZM and 12PM.

Geologist, you installed the ring upside down (if a "ring" could be installed the "wrong" way? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif ). That longer part was supposed to be a sort of "pocket clip" precursor. It does work, eventhough I wouldn't trust it.
Re: Surefire - Different style Lanyard Ring?

Those old style clips suck. I lost my 6P after having it for less than 30 days.