Surefire experts please


Jun 26, 2002
Central Tx
Can someone point me in the right direction for a replacement clickie for my L4? The OEM switch is acting a little wierd.

Thanks, Bob
Call up Surefire. Their customer service will take care of you, and you'll get a new clickie free.

In any case, the clickie you want is the z57, available on Surefire's website.

If you are feeling technical you can dismantle it and replace the clicker with a McClicky from the Sandwich Shoppe for better reliability.
Call up Surefire. Their customer service will take care of you, and you'll get a new clickie free.

In any case, the clickie you want is the z57, available on Surefire's website.

If you are feeling technical you can dismantle it and replace the clicker with a McClicky from the Sandwich Shoppe for better reliabiility

Thanks Carrot, my L4 has been mucho modified and I'm pretty sure the warranty is no longer good. I don't keep up much with Surefire stuff, but I thought I remembered reading something about a "Mcklicky"?
McClicky is made by McGizmo and is sold by the Sandwich Shoppe, run by Dat2Zip. I feel like a secret agent talking about all these codenames.

FWIW, the only thing Surefire CS wants of you when you ask for a replacement tailcap is your address. They don't require you send the light or its parts in.
Thanks Carrot, my L4 has been mucho modified and I'm pretty sure the warranty is no longer good. I don't keep up much with Surefire stuff, but I thought I remembered reading something about a "Mcklicky"?

Ask them... Usually they don't ask to send back the defective tailcap...
Thanks guys for the info. I'll check out some of those codenames :huh: and give Surefire a call.

WOW!! Talk about customer service! Just got off the phone with them, new switch is in the mail! Just goes to show, you get what you pay for.

When it comes to E series clickies, I've had to warranty 4 of them. SF has done it via email. The latest ones seem pretty dependable. I still use a twisty when I'll be out in the field for an extended time.
