Surefire FM16 - Blue Filter for 1.62" Bezel?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 23, 2009
Hey Guys / Gals,

I would appreciate some advice - will the FM16 clamp on filter fit the L36 lamp module / Surefire 628 Tactical Light?

I look forward to hearing from you,

All the best! D.
I think I might actually need - FM45 (Red Filter - but correct bezel size) 1.36"?
You're after the FM46

Here's a quick guide to SureFire's BeamFilters...

FMx3 IR BeamFilters - Glass (I'm not sure of it's details)
FMx4 Beam Diffusers - POC's 'LSD' holographic 20deg diffusion polycarbonate
FMx5 Red BeamFilters - Multi-AR coated tempered Pyrex glass
FMx6 Blue BeamFilters - Multi-AR coated tempered Pyrex glass
FMx7 BeamCovers - Hard Anodised aluminium alloy

FM1x (1.62" diameter) - "M3" Millennium Bezel, 9N, 9AN & KL6.
FM2x (2.5" diameter) - Millennium TurboHead bezel & 'KT' TurboHeads.
FM3x (1.25" diameter) - Standard "6P" bezel (tight on the G2/G3/G2Z).
FM4x (1.36" diameter) - Z32 aka Classic WeaponLight Shock Isolated Bezel.
FM5x (1" diameter) - ScoutLight & E-Series bezels
FM6x (1.47" diameter) - M2, 8X, 8AX/8NX/L7, KL3/KL5/U2 etc

FM7x for HellFighter (FM73 IR), (FM77 Amber*) & (FM78 Opaque*)
(* It would make sense if these were the other way around, but they're not)

Classic BeamFilters for Taclight (Z32) (1.36" diameter)
F11 - Red
F12 - IR
F13 - Cover
F19 - Blue
F63 - BeamShaper (Medium)
F64 - BeamShaper (Wide)

Classic BeamFilters for 8-Series (& "M2") (1.47" diameter)
F62 - Cover
F66 - Red
F67 - Blue
F68 - Traffic Wand
F69 - IR
F70 - BeamShaper

Classic BeamFilters for 9-Series (& "M3") (1.62" diameter)
F32 - Cover
F33 - BeamShaper (Medium)
F34 - BeamShaper (Wide)
F36 - Red
F37 - Blue
F38 - Traffic Wand
F39 - IR

Classic BeamFilters for standard bezel ("6P") (1.25" diameter)
F16 - IR
F17 - Cover
F23 - BeamShaper (Medium)
F24 - BeamShaper (Wide)
F26 - Red
F27 - Blue
F28 - Traffic Wand

Classic BeamFilters for T-Series Extended Range TurboHeads (3" diameter)
F40 - BeamShaper
F46 - Red
F47 - Blue
F49 - IR
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