SureFire G2 Tailcap/Replacement


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2010
I have had an LED SureFire G2 for about 3 years now. It is my EDC light. It has been a really good light, but I really dislike both the twisty tailcap and the CR123 batteries it eats. I therefore have two questions:

1. Can you recommend a good clicky tailcap to replace the "tactical" one?

2. What would be a good, comparable replacement for this light that runs off cheaper batteries? I am looking for something under fifty dollars.


Go for the Surefire Z48/Z58 tailcaps. As for batteries, the P60L would operate on 1x17670 Protected Li-On or 2x16340 Protected Li-Ons.

Related topics:

Budget flashlights:

The "budget" flashlights basically runs off the same cells recommended for your G2. The G2, 6P, 9P runs of a modular system called the P60/P90 dropin. There are literally hundreds or even thousands of different LED and incandescent drop-ins, flashlight brands and models to choose from that run off this P60/P90 modular system. I'm sure after some reading of the related threads and recommendations from other forum members, you'll narrow your choice down to 2-3 different setups you'll like....hopefully. The most likely scenario is that you'll forget about the G2 and go for a much more expensive and much brighter MC-E or P7 setup, like most of us did! Too much eye-candy here will do that to you.

Enjoy and good luck!
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You might enjoy some high-end imported lights such as the 4sevens Quarks or Fenix lights. They are not exactly like the Surefire G2 but they do come in AA powered flavors and can be as bright, if not brighter, depending on the model. I like Surefire a lot but Quark and Fenix fill a niche otherwise left empty.
Question 1 = Drop in a Netkidz clicky, +1 on the customer support. One I ordered was bad out the box and before I could say Clicky there was another one on its way.
Question 2 = My EDC mini tac light is a Leatherman LGX200 re-brand of the Fenix L1T V2. Its as bright as the G2 LED and almost as good in the spill stakes but runs of a single AA cell.

You can also safely use RCR123's in your G2 LED as the P60L module can take up to 9v input.
Read up on Li-Ion safety and get some good protected cells and a charger for about the same price as a good NiMh AA setup.
Since the Lithium L91 from Energiser is out I am happy to use AA lights for security related tasks.
Other favourite 1xAA tac lights of mine are the iTP C7T and the iTP SA-1 Eluma.

All three mentioned are as bright or brighter than the G2Led but don't run as long.

If you want to get a boost in performance get the 2-cell versions or just the 2-cell tubes as add on parts. I have the C8 body for my C7 as well as a Fenix L2D body I use on my LD10 and LGX200.
Thanks for the suggestions. BTW I am also interested in a small backup light to carry in my pocket. Any suggestions? I was kind of thinking about the Fenix E01....
Everyone should own a reliable small light like the E01.

I have the E01 and then the same guts with better finish and clicky, the Leatherman S1.
My own personal daily "backup" is the iTP A3 3-mode though, the ability to do more than the 5mm LED's makes it the choice for day to day tasks.

For anything more extreme like a dual purpose motorcycle adventure tour through Africa I will use the E01 as the backup light.
Mine is attached to the zip of my battery holder.
You might enjoy some high-end imported lights such as the 4sevens Quarks or Fenix lights. They are not exactly like the Surefire G2 but they do come in AA powered flavors and can be as bright, if not brighter, depending on the model. I like Surefire a lot but Quark and Fenix fill a niche otherwise left empty.

My thoughts exactly, I personally really like SureFires but it sounds like you're looking for something different - SureFire is strong in the CR123 format, and their signature UI is the (nearly-bombproof) twistie tailcap such as on your G2. It sounds like you'd like something that takes 2x AA's - that way you can use NiMH rechargeables or even AA alkalines in a pinch (just watch for battery leaks). Two AA cells can get some serious performance in an LED light these days, 200+ lumens.

Thanks for the suggestions. BTW I am also interested in a small backup light to carry in my pocket. Any suggestions? I was kind of thinking about the Fenix E01....
There are a number of great threads on the Fenix E01, just use the search function near the top of the CPF page. You may also be interested in the Streamlight Microstream (nice) or the Fenix LD01 (nicer) - both are single AAA lights, I've used both and like them quite a bit. I also gather there might be a comparable Quark as well.
I'm new here and for my first post I'm resurrecting this really old thread. I have a few old Surefire G2 incandescent lights that have been sitting doing pretty much nothing and I would like to put them to good use again. I want to do two things: 1) convert them to clicky tailcaps and 2) convert them to LED. Two is easy as I can just get Malkoff LED drop in replacement bezels, but I don't know what to do about the clicky tailcaps. I see someone here (Netkidz) used to offer a custom drop in replacement, but as far as I can tell that is no longer an option. As I don't have more than 3 posts here I can't view Netkidz's profile page to see if he's even still active on this forum. Are there any other good, reasonably priced options for converting my G2's tailcaps? Thanks to anyone who can help.

ETA: After posting here I did some more Googling and found the Oveready McClicky tail kit and ordered one. I hope I did well and that this kit is made with quality parts as this light is being mounted on my shotgun. If so then I will be ordering a couple more for my other G2's.
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Welcome to the forum.

The McClicky kit from Oveready is good to go, and the current upgrade standard, as far as I can tell.

I've upgraded over 10 Surefire C, P, and Z series lights with them and haven't had an issue yet. Malkoff, Prometheus, and other high end manufacturers use McClicky switches in their factory lights.
Grizzman thank you for the information. I had no idea that other companies are using these particular switches in their lights, but it's a relief to know I stumbled onto good stuff. Looks like I found the upgrade I've been looking for for these older lights.

And thanks for the welcome.
The McClicky was designed by legendary light-master Don McLeish, the creator of McGizmo lights.

Anything you'll find on Oveready's website can be fully trusted. I still need to build up a Moddoolar light with a neutral H3 head.
I'm on the late train on this one. I upgraded my G2 with a clicky tailcap from a G2X Pro and it works like a charm. I also recommend running a 17670 Lithium Ion (4.2) battery or like someone else posted the two RCR123s (2x4.2V=8.4V) of course with that P60L since it was made for 9V.