Surefire Refurbish?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2008
Brentwood, CA Not LA
Just out of curiosity. I know there probably isnt a large amount of SF flashlight being sent back for warranty repair. But there are some.

Does SF just throw these away? Like the guy who had his SF M6 toasted from PRC 123s. Obviously SF isnt just gonna replace the primaries carrier and call it a day.

But the rest of the flashlight could possibly be still good.

Jsut thought maybe they might have a pile of slightly used flashlights. and maybe they should sell them for parts haha.
SureFire just isn't set up to sell returned items.
There are different categories of returns and they do make use of some of them - they can't sell them as new (and don't sell them as used/refurbished).
This is interesting:popcorn:

Is it possible to tour an SF plant? That would be very cool
That would be awesome, might not be bad for something to raffle off as a cpf fundraiser.
It may be possible to arrange a tour but the portions of SureFire's operation one can see is quite limited (turning centre, assembly, that sort of thing.

Hmm im headed back to Socal next week. Maybe I can arrange a tour at the Fountain Valley headquarters? Do they even have a retail store front at their Fountain Vallehy HQ?
I think a surefire museum of all those one-off's, prototypes, and landmark lights would be one of the most kick-a__ things ever.

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