I have the full-size Saint and prefer it to the Minimus. By using two straps the Saint does not require you to have the straps as tight on your head so it is more comfortable and the weight of the battery pack is hardly noticeable on your head. Most of the time I actually forget that I'm wearing a battery pack, which is an unpleasant realization if you try to lay with your head back on it -- in fact, that's the only downside, that the battery pack gets in the way of you leaning the back of your head on something, say a hammock.
My sample of one Saint is a bit on the bluish side but not overly so, and has no corona or rings as mentioned by earlier owners, which suggests to me that it is possible the problems reported have been fixed.
As far as I can tell, you cannot remove the Saint from its housing bracket. But I have never felt a need to either.
It looks to me like two Eneloops put out the same amount of light as three CR123's (100 lumens). By the numbers, two Eneloops should offer similar runtime to a single primary CR123 cell (over 2 hours on high). (2000 mAh at 2x1.2v versus 1400 mAh at 3.0v)