Surefires - sort of addicting...


Jul 20, 2006
Charlotte, NC
I don't have a collection worthy of the c/e series addicts threads, but having recently dipped my toes into the Surefire waters I have to admit that they do have "something" about them that is kind of addicting.

I started with a 6PL - partly to use as a host for a drop in I'm considering (I think it is time for a real flamethrower - SST or MCE or P7) and while I still love my Dereelight host, I do see why the 6P is a classic. Then I picked up an E1L - love it. E2L - also love it but as much to use the KX2 head on the E1L body with RCR123s. L1 Cree - don't love it as much as the E1L but ... well ... i'm struggling to sell it as there is something about the UI that is kind of cool and how it feels in your hand. Pondering a mod to that one even though I really should sell it.

Now I am a devoted fan of the Arc4/HDS/Novatac and by extension Ra lights. Love the UI and the form factor (it could be a bit smaller but still...) and the PEU bezel with trits I put on it, and I'm excited to get it back after a K2 TVOD mod which will really pump up the output and tint. I've tried a lot of others and come back to the Novatac (and HDS in the past) again and again. It is a great EDC.

By comparison, the Surefires aren't quite as bright, don't offer as many levels (although they are well chosen by and large) and don't have a low low that I use a lot, aren't terribly friendly toward rechargeables, have a useless clip (E1L, L1) or better but still the wrong way (E2L), and have a sort of puzzling (to me) at least array of product offerings compared to others, bring products to market at a snails pace (but well tested to their credit), and don't really care to push the technology envelope.

But, for some reason, there is something about the build quality, the tactile feel, the overall design that makes one of them find their way into my pocket an awful lot these days... I find that I kind of like the TIR optics, the anodizing, the pocket peeling knurling, the lego options, lumps and tacticool bumps and all they really do make a compelling product for a flashaholic that, in some (or many) ways defies reason... but after resisting for some time I do understand (much like with my Benchmade Mini Grip) finally what all the fuss was about!
I have to agree :D

Since June this year I started a great collection of Surefire's and it continues to grow more and more :D
SureFire ??? Addicting ??? uhh...

Yeah, I agree lol
As I am pretty new to this hobby, I will take you on my little journey..

I decided early on in my adventure that I had no need or use for one of those overpriced flashlights. I'm not a name brand fanboy, never have been, why start now. So I bought my first good light - a Fenix TK11 R2. Ooooooh, ahhhhh.... wow.. thats bright. I was amazed to no end.
Wanting another light I spend hours and hours reading. Mostly this forum, but I checked out a few others. I decided that drop ins were the way to go for me. I could have some hosts and just change at will to what I wanted or needed at any given time.
So light #2 was a SolarForce L2 Host. I wanted to get a really good drop in to go with it so after much research and thought I settled on the Malkoff M60W. BIG MISTAKE, I introduced myself to warm tint.... now everytime I turned on the Fenix, I wanted to SLAP it. For me, warm is where its at (or neutral if you prefer). I wanted another warm/neutral tint and found the Romisen RC-N3 from shining beam. I liked the fact that it was cheap and could take 2 types of batteries. Very nice little light, esp for the price.... wife said "Honey, you need to find yourself another flashlight." "Why is that darlin" I say. "Well, because this one is now mine" with a brat grin on her face.
OHHHHH OK OK, you wanna play that way do ya...

I went to work researching, hunting, looking, sweating, debating with myself, struggling over a decision. -- About this time I bought a JetBeam E3P warm white as a wedding gift for a friend, who btw is now becoming a flashoholic --

I stumbled across ElectronGuru and his bored out surefire hosts. I thought about it for awhile. Nahh.. thats the fanboy brand and way to expensive. Then I thought, wait a minute, the Fenix + batteries + charger + diffuser wand + red lens + primaries was about $150 and I already have a Malkoff to use so I went for it. I bought the 6P bored body in custom black HAIII with the factory HAIII gray bezel (z44) and tailcap (z58). Dropped in the Malkoff M60W and that's it ... DAMN IT !!!!!! I'm a pompom waving SureFire fanboy.

Now I really want to slap my Fenix. Not that its a bad light. Its actually a very nice light that was working well on my AR15. Its just that it looked so darn blue (which now that I've compared it to a WC tint drop in, its not blue at all, but very very slightly neutral/warm or a very light hint of green. I can't tell for sure) So I put the Fenix up for sale on CPFMP. I got no takers so I decided to just keep it. Then some guy puts up a WTT post that says "WTT Like new E2D for Fenixk Tk11 R2". I researched it and found the E2D is $110 new vs the $85 for a new TK11. So I traded ... LOL
Now I keep the E2D with me always. Yeah, I want a C2 HA now in the opposite colors of my 6P. And yes, I'm addicted with only 2 surefires.

I also bought a regular 6P body off the forums and put the solarforce tailcap and bezel on it, bought a drop in to give to a friend who is a security guard. He is furnished with stock 3D mags that don't allow him to see much of anything...
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Addicting? Nooooo not at all... :whistle:
I agree, they are addicting. When I joined CPF several years ago, I started reading about these really expensive Surefire flashlights. I thought there would be no way I'd ever spend that much on a flashlight. Fast forward to the present day, and I have nine and counting. My friends think I'm nuts for having that many, but they all agree they are really nice lights. I'm sure nine will become ten, then eleven, twelve, thirteen............
This is not the whole family :)

Add another M6, M4, L1, 3 A2's, another LX2, Teardrop E2e, E1e, Z2, D3, D2, PK KROMA, KROMA-MILSPEC, 6P-USA... I've lost track now :laughing:

I have a G2...this is my 2nd...In fact, I'm not a surefire addict...:thinking:
When a saw the G2L and G3L pics in the new surefire site, I realized I'm a "G" addict! :bow: