So I looked for a while for a how to on changing a switch for the LED AAA minimag and came up empty.
So here's how:
To start, this one had a stuck battery so I demel'd around the body to pluck off the top portion. No need to if you don't have a stuck battery
Took around 5 minutes with a dremel cutter wheel held onto a table and spin the barrel a little at a time. I made several shallow passes around the body trying not to cut into the battery.
Next have a 1/4" drive 3/16" deep socket, a hammer and a hard surface. Give it a few whacks and done.
Took 10 seconds to pop it out.
It's an assembly with the LED attached.
Reverse to install a new one.
The whole process took about as long as taking photos and writing this post.
Tralfaz says "you done already?"
So here's how:
To start, this one had a stuck battery so I demel'd around the body to pluck off the top portion. No need to if you don't have a stuck battery
Took around 5 minutes with a dremel cutter wheel held onto a table and spin the barrel a little at a time. I made several shallow passes around the body trying not to cut into the battery.
Next have a 1/4" drive 3/16" deep socket, a hammer and a hard surface. Give it a few whacks and done.
Took 10 seconds to pop it out.
It's an assembly with the LED attached.
Reverse to install a new one.
The whole process took about as long as taking photos and writing this post.
Tralfaz says "you done already?"