TEC 40 with different bulbs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2002
San Diego
The HPR44 has a rated life of either 300 or 500 hours at 4.0 V and a lumen rating of about 54, If I recall correctly. In other words, it is relatively low efficiency at rated voltage.

It should draw about 4.6 V off of 4 fresh AA NiMH's and be 80+ lumens. I prefer the brightness of the somewhat easily available 3.85V 1.2A KPR 130 or 3.85V 1.32A KPR139 overdriven with 4AA's.

My Killer Tec40 will be a limited run time light with most or all of the lens removed for heat dissipation purposes. I am ordering a number of Carley 3.50 V 2.30 A Halogen T-1 1/2 bulbs potted into a ceramic PR base. At 3.5 volts the bulb is rated at 136 Lumens and 50 hour run time. At 3.9 V I should get 180 to 190 L

4AA NiMH's will voltage drop to 3.8 to 3.9 V at this amperage. At 3.9 V this bulb would be rated at about 180 Lumens and 16 hours life.

Currently I run a Carley 3.7 V 1.5 V Krypton Star in my most used PT40. This is 81 Lumen at rated voltage and brighter than the supposedly 110L 8X that I recently sold at the 4.2 or 4.3 V that is draws off of AA NiMHs. I run this combination up to ten minutes continuously without reflector damage.
easily available 3.85V 1.2A KPR 130 or 3.85V 1.32A KPR139 overdriven with 4AA's.

Be interested in trying these . These are not available at Radio Shack are they?
Errrr Your right about that. I'll check out topbulb, thanks. RS doesn't have a lot.
The Carley mod you also mentioned sounds interesting. Be interested in a report. My next acquisition will be a Surge. From what I read it screams........
My Surge is very nice for its size. The considerably bulkier DB8AA with alkalines and a W/A 4.8 V 1.1 A bulb is whiter and brighter.
has someone yet produced a table of the princeton t-20 and t-40 (and related lamps) and what are the default bulb #s and replacements with run times? including led drop ins like hte matrix 3-led (regulated?!) and others?

that would rock.

i only just noticed that i had a t-20 and that the matrix 3-led frob fits in there.

Hi this is my first post. Didn't realize there are a many of us out there. Belive I'm a full blown addict now as I just got two TEC 40s and a Brinkmann LX. Before just had a few 2 and 3 D cell lamps and a AA MimiMag. I guess the reason why I like the Brinkmann and TEC 40s is that the have a much broader soild angle of light then my 3 D cell light (must be 20 years old). Any way, I have been reading about the TEC 40 mods with interest. Now that I have them was wondering if any more measurements have been done to determine its brightness. I know with NiMH and the HPR 53 its a lot whiter than the regular stock bulb. In earlier posts Klaus estimated 80 lumens with the HPR 53. Has anyone measured it? Also does anyone know if the HPR 44 (rated at 4.0V and 1.0 Amp)will be brighter?