Tenergy LiFe charger fails to terminate nicely


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
I understand that LiFe is a safe chemistry, but I didn't do my part and left a pair on charge overnight. The following rested voltages were observed after 4 hours off the charger:


Charger and cells were the Tenergy set of 2x 16340 cells.

Take home mesage: As always, yank 'em as soon as the charger declares victory.
Hmmm... I've not heard of a Lifepo4 cell sitting at that high of a voltage. I overcharged some to ~4v and within a couple minutes they were back down to around 3.4v or so.
You might be ok on those cells. Hot off my e-STATION BC6 charger my LiFePO4 A123 26650cells read about 3.7+ volts. They settle down to spec pretty quick once a load is put on them. I have not lost any of my A123 cells to date. I disassembled a DeWalt battery pack to get my 10 A123 cells more than 2 years ago. The A123 LiFePO4s have proven to be very robust!