The Best Casing/ Housing for DVD Burner Lasers


Newly Enlightened
May 16, 2007
Well, I want to know what the best flashlight is that can be used to house the smaller brass housing from Aixiz. I also want to see what flashlight has the best driver circuit for these diodes.
Can you all post which flashlight you used and what you had to add to it to make it work/ work better with these diodes.
I want to know which I should buy to house my DVD diode...
Also, which ones have you been able to make a focusable laser?

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ya know I completlely forgot that I havn't posted my walkthrough over here. Hokay comidt. Look for a post very soon called DVD RED DIY BURNING LASER. This is just one of many that I've done so far and plan to do more in the future.
Yeah, I've read your walkthrough quite a few times on LPF.
It's really good By the way:twothumbs
I was just wanting to get a whole lot of possible options before I decide on one.
I have seen it, but I can't find it now.
Please post the link for me.
Uhm, I found two Dorcy's on the Dorcy website, not sure how much they cost, but could someon tell me what would be beter for powering Senkat's groupbuy diode? uses 1 AA Battery (must have step up stuff)
or uses 2 AA Batteries

Which one would be the most stable and reliable for running these diodes?
i like them because they are focusable...
I've tried finding both of those flashlights and have been unable. Dorcy does not sell directly to customers and it's kinda stupid. In order to find the flashlight your looking for you have to go to the retailers listed on thier site. I am unaware of how well either of those flashlights will work but I've been desperatly searching for the second one you listed to find out how well that one would work. I also like the fact it's focusable. The fact that it takes two AAA batteries leads me to believe it's got a good driver board in it so should work splendidly for a dvd laser. IF YOU CAN FIND IT!
I've tried finding both of those flashlights and have been unable. Dorcy does not sell directly to customers and it's kinda stupid. In order to find the flashlight your looking for you have to go to the retailers listed on thier site. I am unaware of how well either of those flashlights will work but I've been desperatly searching for the second one you listed to find out how well that one would work. I also like the fact it's focusable. The fact that it takes two AAA batteries leads me to believe it's got a good driver board in it so should work splendidly for a dvd laser. IF YOU CAN FIND IT!

Try Sears.
OK, I am just about to pay for the diodes, should I order one of these Dorcy 2AA Flashlight's?
Is it better than the 1 AA?
Is it a better idea to buy a Dorcy or a 2 AA from Deal Extreme?
So, if i buy this, will it definitely work??
OK, I am just about to pay for the diodes, should I order one of these Dorcy 2AA Flashlight's?
Is it better than the 1 AA?
Is it a better idea to buy a Dorcy or a 2 AA from Deal Extreme?
So, if i buy this, will it definitely work??

Hi Comdit,
I don't think anyone has worked with the flashlight I posted the link to. So you might want to order something that is known to work. Kenom's walk through is perfect for a first time laser. I would try that first and go on from there. Once you get the feel of it you should be able to mount a laser module in just about anything, at least anything it will fit in.
I'm not for sure that the other one mentioned and linked to, will work. I've yet to tear into one and determine if it will work. Now if you wanna buy one and ship it to me to tear into, I will tell you if it will work or not, then ship it back to you. I'd love to get my hands on one of those to see. Not only will I tell you if it will work but I will add it to my walkthrough and have a video detailing exactly how to do it.
Ok, so what should I get??
Will I still be able to use the light for housing if it does work or not? (as in, would you ship it to me, or would it be a donation to the cause of lasers:D:D)
I might do that, I'm not so tight on finances at the moment.:broke::broke:
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I will tear into it to see if it's suitable for a laser mounting. If it is not I will put it back together and ship it on back to ya in working order. If it is suitable for mounting I will compensate you $19.99 + shipping if applicable (as in you had to order it from the sears site instead of going to your local store to buy it) for the one I am using. sound fair?

If it is suitable for using for a laser I will post an addition to my existing walkthrough with video's of exactly how to turn it into a laser pointer. which you can follow step by step and do it yourself. If it's not you still have a functional flashlight to keep around the house and can purchase the original mini dorcy to do your DIY laser burner
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OK, I might do that.
See, what I want is a reliable flashlight that can focus the Aixiz module directly, like Corona's Elly, that's why i want a focussable flashlight. The Mini Dorcy isn't, right?
Actually the way I've got the Mini dorcy set up it is very easy to focus. I've got the lens assembly pokin out the top and it's just a matter of spinning the focus ring on the fly. I've never had a problem focusing the mini. Inherently it is the head of the assembly that is used for focusing the LED's in these things and once we remove the glass it takes away the ability to focus using the head of the flashlight. by mounting the Aixiz module right on the end of the flashlight barrel with the optics poking out a small bit you still have access to your lens assembly and it still is focusable. I've no idea how this particular flashlight works so it may still work. Especially if there is a lens on the end of that thing.

Corona's elly uses the spacers from the cd spindles to twist the focus ring when you twist the head. The theory is simple to reproduce if you can locate a rubber grommet of the proper size and place it inside the head of the flashlight. The one minor flaw in the design is you can only twist so far before you pop off the head of the flashlight!
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OK, now the problem is that I bought the smaller brass housing the $4 one. It's pretty small, and on your tuotorial, you use the big one. How can I fix that?
In order to get the power output I want from a diode, I have never found 2 batteries to be enough. It always takes three NIMH's and then I add a resistor and capacitor. So I don't know if the Dorcy 2AA would work. It is a neat looking host and maybe I will pick up one soon.

I wish we could find a decent adjustable driver for a reasonable price that would provide consistent current over the life of the battery. The one Meredith has is perfect but too costly.

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