For having one of the stronger currencies in the world, the pound certainly does not have much buying power within the UK. When I lived there, I found that to purchase something online, have it shipped to the UK, and pay the import tax, it still came out cheaper than buying that item at a local store or from a UK based online merchant. Domestic products are different, but usually electronics were much cheaper this way.
Thats because the Government add tax to everything :shakehead
17.5% Value Added Tax
I always get hit with custom taxes on anything I get from the USA. They must have my name on the list or something.
25% tax + 4% customs handling fee here in Sweden.
Luckily, most of the times I don't have to pay the tax when importing.
If you live in Britain, your being ripped off every time you open your wallet.
...and american dealers are not authorized by Surefire to sell them for us, U.S. outsiders...
Surefire is an AMERICAN company, headquartered in AMERICA, and uses AMERICAN everything to produce their lights...