For about the last month or so I've been thinking about all the first run flashlights we at CPF have had the opportunity to try out and the risks involved. We are on the cutting edge of flashlight technology, but they call it that for a reason. Sometimes we get cut! 
So I got to thinking about it and at first I really couldn't come up with any LED Flashlights that didn't have issues in the early release since I've been on CPF circa 2001.
I'm not sure how to define an unacceptable problem rate. Some industries use the concept of "six sigma" which is 3.4 defects per million units. I can assure you that only Maglight has those kinds of number.
I think for cutting edge flashlights maybe 1 in a 100 is more acceptable, but that is still going to leave one pissed off CPF who will whine in every thread about their issue (been there, done that :green
What do you all think?
PS: Owning one light that has never failed you is different than, never failed anybody. So don't just post to say your Ti-PD rocks. We already knew that!
Examples of problems I've seen, experienced or read about:
-CMG Infinity: The original had lots of issues, I have had several fail from all runs.
-Arc AAA: A large portion of the first runs had issues, roll crimp fixed most of these.
-Arc LS: Flex failure of circuit board affected almost all units.
-CMG LS (can't recall name): urine green LED on most units
-Fenix L1: The original 4sevens group buy, mine failed in 6 mo.
-Fenix LxD: a few switch issues, high self drain on some units.
-Novatac: flickering and wobbly regulation (NT denied this was a problem)
-Surefire U2: Many/Most tailcaps failed, some ring adjustment failures.
-Surefire Titan: More than half of CPF units with problems or so it seemed.
-Ra: Poor anodizing, quite a few reported flickering problems.
-Nitecore PD: Ramping at min/max issue, a few that broke in half, and my new D10 R2 has poor ramping.
-Zebralight H30: lots of switch issues
-Peak Pacific: both mine sucked, flickering and dimming. One is now dead.
-Princeton Tec Apex: I think most orange units developed cracks and most all leak water.
-PT Aurora: mine cracked in several places just from battery changes.
-EZAA: We have seen the recall and selfbuilt review by now.
-Customs: Not sure if any have been trouble free, but if you only have one that has an issue, then that might be 1 in a 100 units, and yes there have been at least two Ti-PD's that had issues.
Hardly any or no problems, I'm aware of:
-Zebralight H50: The first light they produced seemed trouble free.
-Surefire KL1, KLx: maybe some clicky switch issues, but LED heads seemed trouble free, twisty switches were bombproof.
-Princeton Tec EOS
-Almost all commercial incandescents: (not including burnt out bulbs)
So I got to thinking about it and at first I really couldn't come up with any LED Flashlights that didn't have issues in the early release since I've been on CPF circa 2001.
I'm not sure how to define an unacceptable problem rate. Some industries use the concept of "six sigma" which is 3.4 defects per million units. I can assure you that only Maglight has those kinds of number.
I think for cutting edge flashlights maybe 1 in a 100 is more acceptable, but that is still going to leave one pissed off CPF who will whine in every thread about their issue (been there, done that :green
What do you all think?
PS: Owning one light that has never failed you is different than, never failed anybody. So don't just post to say your Ti-PD rocks. We already knew that!
Examples of problems I've seen, experienced or read about:
-CMG Infinity: The original had lots of issues, I have had several fail from all runs.
-Arc AAA: A large portion of the first runs had issues, roll crimp fixed most of these.
-Arc LS: Flex failure of circuit board affected almost all units.
-CMG LS (can't recall name): urine green LED on most units
-Fenix L1: The original 4sevens group buy, mine failed in 6 mo.
-Fenix LxD: a few switch issues, high self drain on some units.
-Novatac: flickering and wobbly regulation (NT denied this was a problem)
-Surefire U2: Many/Most tailcaps failed, some ring adjustment failures.
-Surefire Titan: More than half of CPF units with problems or so it seemed.
-Ra: Poor anodizing, quite a few reported flickering problems.
-Nitecore PD: Ramping at min/max issue, a few that broke in half, and my new D10 R2 has poor ramping.
-Zebralight H30: lots of switch issues
-Peak Pacific: both mine sucked, flickering and dimming. One is now dead.
-Princeton Tec Apex: I think most orange units developed cracks and most all leak water.
-PT Aurora: mine cracked in several places just from battery changes.
-EZAA: We have seen the recall and selfbuilt review by now.
-Customs: Not sure if any have been trouble free, but if you only have one that has an issue, then that might be 1 in a 100 units, and yes there have been at least two Ti-PD's that had issues.
Hardly any or no problems, I'm aware of:
-Zebralight H50: The first light they produced seemed trouble free.
-Surefire KL1, KLx: maybe some clicky switch issues, but LED heads seemed trouble free, twisty switches were bombproof.
-Princeton Tec EOS
-Almost all commercial incandescents: (not including burnt out bulbs)
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