The Dangers of CPF


Jul 24, 2010
Swamps of the Gulf Coast
For a long time, I have been in the habit of carrying a flashlight. A small one on my keychain, a brighter one in my car glovebox.

Not long ago, I decided I wanted something a bit brighter for the keychain. I had been using an ITP A3 EOS. It had served me well (and still serves my wife well), it just didn't have the oomph I had need for at times.

So, I cruised on over to CPF to see what my options for keychain carry were and what people thought the best bang for the buck was, etc, etc...
I ended up buying a Quark MiNi 123. Its a great light. Just what I wanted.

However. Threads about keychain lights were not all I read. I read about batteries, and how my trustfire rechargeables from DX were likely to steal my TV, sleep with my wife, spread rumors about me around town, and of course, explode taking my flashlight and anything within a 100yd radius with them. So, I bought some AW protected rechargeables to avoid this. :thumbsup:

Then, I read similiar possibilities with my trusty Ultrafire charger. It has been good to me so far, but the seed of doubt had been planted. Off to the 'net I go and pick up a Pila IBC (great charger, btw).

Having found batteryjunction from a mention on one of the threads, and reading about Titanium Innovations placing in the great CR123 challenge thread, I went ahead and picked up twenty or so of those. Then someone mentioned a great deal on Streamlight 123s at Home Depot, so I bought a couple of 12 packs of those. (I live in hurricane country. When I find god deals on bateries, I stock up. Two weeks or so without power every year and I go through some batts.)

Noticing all of the threads on HDS lights, I read a few. I always thought the Ras were sexy lights. After reading ten or so threads, I figured I needed a new EDC light...bought a custom clicky from Henry.

I haven't even mentioned the various little purchases from lighthound I find myself making every so often. I cruise the marketplace when I have down time at work.

All I needed was a new keychain light..... this place is dangerous!

So, is it just me, or does CPF affect others this way too?
I never realized all the stuff i "needed",

until i joined CandlePowerForums ! ! !

I just came to CPF to see if I made a wise choice on an EDC and helmet light. I really don't need anything more, but it will be in the mail next week (I hope . . .)

I was just like that too. I've spent in the neighborhood of $1500 on lights, starting innocently with a fenix LD10...this would have been ridiculous to me about a year ago. (Still makes me shake my head in disbelief at myself.) And it makes me sad, because I feel like a lot of the lights that I bought will be antiques in 10 years or so. :(

Someone tell me it isn't so!
I was just like that too. I've spent in the neighborhood of $1500 on lights, starting innocently with a fenix LD10...this would have been ridiculous to me about a year ago. (Still makes me shake my head in disbelief at myself.) And it makes me sad, because I feel like a lot of the lights that I bought will be antiques in 10 years or so. :(

Someone tell me it isn't so!

[Moves lights out of way to type]

I know the feeling...but I got on here tonight to look for a new light actually. lol
I would guess you already know the answer. Needs, desires, and urges probably play a part with the success of this sight. Along with the want to learn or inform. THE best place to find facts and opinion on all sorts of lights.
I bought a Malkoff, AW batteries and a Pila charger before I even found this place. I guess there's no hope.:fail:
This place can be brutal on your wallet similar to bladeforums:). I already have my favorite 3 EDC lights ( one is at Milkys for a transplant) so major purchases have been slim to nil.

I try to avoid the custom buy and sale and my bank account is relieved.:D
Yes, I agree. Similiarly, I browsed CPF for the first couple times just to get some extra info and reviews on a couple Surefire lights before I made my first "real light" purchase. Now almost a year later I am a full member. :ohgeez:I have experienced quarks, nitecores, surefires, HDS's, jetbeam's, Novatacs, and finally (one could say the holy grail?) the custom Mcgizmo's. I never thought I would spend over $125 on a flashlight when I first visited this forum and now it wouldn't seem normal if I didn't :naughty:. This place IS dangerous and one can go from an everyday guy to a flashaholic in nothing flat. :poof:
Lighthound finally got some of the Solarforce XPG drop-ins in stock. For a few minutes I thought, "do I really need this? I can put it in my 6P, but it's not like I don't already have other lights that fit this role... Ah heck with it, it's only 17 bucks!"

Then within moments I added an E01 (my second) because of the great runtime on AAA alkaline, to keep in the car maybe with a lithium cell... and added another 17670 li-ion cell because gee, they're so versatile because they fit the SureFires and can also be used as a backup if necessary in the TK10/11/12.

So before you know it BAM there goes another 47 bucks or so :poof:

And you know you've been doing too much online shopping lately when you can punch in all your credit card info without having look it up.

All I needed was a new keychain light..... this place is dangerous!

So, is it just me, or does CPF affect others this way too?

Yes the place is dangerous, it does affect other's that way and no, your not alone!

I read the forum for a couple of years before I signed up. The first six months I thought these "flashahollic's " were kin to the Geek world, but closer to the edge if you know what I mean. The next year and a half, it started to sound interesting what some of these guys were doing and it looked like fun. Finally signed up thinking I would get a single AA and a double AA light and that would satisfy my curiosity. Well, it has been one expensive ride since those two first AA lights I purchased and I don't even use those two lights anymore. There are a lot of "Bright" people on the forum, making it a fun place to hang out.

Have fun with your new hobby! :)BRO
I agree that CPF is dangerous to your wallet but it's actually not *that* expensive compared to my other hobbies and interests. The other forums that I contribute to result in much more damage to my wallet compared to CPF.

Everyone has to have a hobby...or two...or three...or in my case about 12! :D
I only came in here to ask directions and I walked out with a serious Surefire habit!
CPF dangerous???

NOT!!! At least not to your wallet [given even a modicum of common sense]

You want dangerous???

You REALLY want dangerous????

Get into High End Audio

Imagine a simple pair of speaker cables...... Imagine that "decent" set will cost you $250 a "good" set will cost >$500 and that "SureFire" quality will run say $2500 for a set.

How 'bout a nice tube amplifier? No problem, just lay out another $2500 for an "entry" level amp, and dont' forget to toss in another $2500 for the matching pre-amp!

Flashlights got nothin' on audio..... and they don't go out of date as quickly either!!!

And don't get me started on "antiquated" LPs and turntables....
CPF dangerous???

NOT!!! At least not to your wallet [given even a modicum of common sense]

You want dangerous???

You REALLY want dangerous????

Get into High End Audio

Imagine a simple pair of speaker cables...... Imagine that "decent" set will cost you $250 a "good" set will cost >$500 and that "SureFire" quality will run say $2500 for a set.

How 'bout a nice tube amplifier? No problem, just lay out another $2500 for an "entry" level amp, and dont' forget to toss in another $2500 for the matching pre-amp!

Flashlights got nothin' on audio..... and they don't go out of date as quickly either!!!

And don't get me started on "antiquated" LPs and turntables....

+1. Compared to some other hobbies, lights is very low-profile I'd say. Lights can be purchased, and lights can be sold - if you are good at math, and practise some patience, this place is not dangerous at all.

Having said that, I think I need a light with an ultra-ultra-ultra-low - the 0.2 lumen of Quark is too bright for my night-adaption. ;-)