For a long time, I have been in the habit of carrying a flashlight. A small one on my keychain, a brighter one in my car glovebox.
Not long ago, I decided I wanted something a bit brighter for the keychain. I had been using an ITP A3 EOS. It had served me well (and still serves my wife well), it just didn't have the oomph I had need for at times.
So, I cruised on over to CPF to see what my options for keychain carry were and what people thought the best bang for the buck was, etc, etc...
I ended up buying a Quark MiNi 123. Its a great light. Just what I wanted.
However. Threads about keychain lights were not all I read. I read about batteries, and how my trustfire rechargeables from DX were likely to steal my TV, sleep with my wife, spread rumors about me around town, and of course, explode taking my flashlight and anything within a 100yd radius with them. So, I bought some AW protected rechargeables to avoid this. :thumbsup:
Then, I read similiar possibilities with my trusty Ultrafire charger. It has been good to me so far, but the seed of doubt had been planted. Off to the 'net I go and pick up a Pila IBC (great charger, btw).
Having found batteryjunction from a mention on one of the threads, and reading about Titanium Innovations placing in the great CR123 challenge thread, I went ahead and picked up twenty or so of those. Then someone mentioned a great deal on Streamlight 123s at Home Depot, so I bought a couple of 12 packs of those. (I live in hurricane country. When I find god deals on bateries, I stock up. Two weeks or so without power every year and I go through some batts.)
Noticing all of the threads on HDS lights, I read a few. I always thought the Ras were sexy lights. After reading ten or so threads, I figured I needed a new EDC light...bought a custom clicky from Henry.
I haven't even mentioned the various little purchases from lighthound I find myself making every so often. I cruise the marketplace when I have down time at work.
All I needed was a new keychain light..... this place is dangerous!
So, is it just me, or does CPF affect others this way too?
Not long ago, I decided I wanted something a bit brighter for the keychain. I had been using an ITP A3 EOS. It had served me well (and still serves my wife well), it just didn't have the oomph I had need for at times.
So, I cruised on over to CPF to see what my options for keychain carry were and what people thought the best bang for the buck was, etc, etc...
I ended up buying a Quark MiNi 123. Its a great light. Just what I wanted.
However. Threads about keychain lights were not all I read. I read about batteries, and how my trustfire rechargeables from DX were likely to steal my TV, sleep with my wife, spread rumors about me around town, and of course, explode taking my flashlight and anything within a 100yd radius with them. So, I bought some AW protected rechargeables to avoid this. :thumbsup:
Then, I read similiar possibilities with my trusty Ultrafire charger. It has been good to me so far, but the seed of doubt had been planted. Off to the 'net I go and pick up a Pila IBC (great charger, btw).
Having found batteryjunction from a mention on one of the threads, and reading about Titanium Innovations placing in the great CR123 challenge thread, I went ahead and picked up twenty or so of those. Then someone mentioned a great deal on Streamlight 123s at Home Depot, so I bought a couple of 12 packs of those. (I live in hurricane country. When I find god deals on bateries, I stock up. Two weeks or so without power every year and I go through some batts.)
Noticing all of the threads on HDS lights, I read a few. I always thought the Ras were sexy lights. After reading ten or so threads, I figured I needed a new EDC light...bought a custom clicky from Henry.
I haven't even mentioned the various little purchases from lighthound I find myself making every so often. I cruise the marketplace when I have down time at work.
All I needed was a new keychain light..... this place is dangerous!
So, is it just me, or does CPF affect others this way too?