The Dutch Are Preparing for 2012 Apocalyse ?

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It's only a couple thousand people, besides look at the quote from one of them, not exactly the brighest bulb.
It's typical in summer to have less "actual news" and more "news" that would normally not make the paper. The goverment has summer recess, lots of people on vacation and they still need to print something... ;)

This is the first I hear of the apocalypse in 2012 or people stocking up for it.
Most people overhere don't use the Mayan calendar... ;) :p
Mega-church Rev. John Hagee, a leading expert in dispensational theology, believes the apocalypse will occur during his lifetime. (He's in this late 50's or so) And he's got well over 10,000 members in his congregation. So I guess they have a lot of company. :shrug:
I suspect more people will "prepare" for Dec 21th 2012 than for Y2K or the May 5th 2000 alignment. It's been in the news more and more the past few years, and it will be hyped up even more the next 4 years.

For those of you who don't know, there are a number of "apocalypse" predictions which point to about that same date, the most famous is the precise end of the Mayan Long Count calender.

Even if you don't give it a second thought, It's probably a good idea to stay home that day just to avoid all the crazy loons that will be out and about making a ruckus.
so, when will anarchy begin? 2010?
guess that's when everybody begins to run up their credit cards!
vendettas begin!
al gore will attribute the end of the world to global warming!
what would really freak me is all the 2012 calendars end on the 21st of december!
Every time I hear someone say that the sky is falling or it's the end of the world, I try to remember Matthew 24:36. "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." This quote refers to the end of the world and the return of Jesus. Basically, no one will know when it is going to happen. If someone claims to know, then they are either lying or just wrong. Some cults set dates for the apocalypse and ask or demand that their followers give up all of their possessions to the cult. The cult gets rich and when the world doesn't end, the followers are poor. The cult doesn't return their money and many people die from sickness, starvation, or suicide. I'm not trying to take this thread to religion or politics. I just want to say, don't believe everything you read or hear. Often, someone says it for their own personal gain.
I don't believe in most religious based stories, especially any literal chapter and verse quotes. At best they have all been rewritten, parts excluded, and reinterpreted to suit the powers in charge over the millenium....not to mention the "telephone game" where the final verbal story has little resemblance to the original message. I was more taken with the fact that this story was placed on The Drudge Report, which I use as my home page, and is one of the top 3 news summary websites in the world. The apocalypse is a good theme for making engaging movies.
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Religious or not, something will happen in the next century, likely much sooner. There are simply too many major concerns. I know many would argue that things are cyclical and that things will soon even out. I disagree. Never in history have there been this many people straining the globe. Additionally, the last 100 years or so have seen the bloodiest, most efficient wars in recorded history.

Scientific advances have been marvelous, but for everything good, there's been something equally bad. The industrial revolution has led to mountains of waste, much of it hazardous, not to mention the insatiable greed of mankind. Billions of people aren't eating enough, nor do they have access to safe water. Various diseases are out of control. The next epidemic is easily around the corner.

The world economy is near collapse. The divide between rich and poor continues to grow. Parents are dumping babies in garbage cans, kids are hacking their classmates with machetes or shooting them with automatic weapons.

Whether you believe scripture is inspired or not, these are "critical times hard to deal with". Jesus' sign of the times at Matthew 24 is being fulfilled. If you believe in scripture, it's good news. If you don't, then a large chunk of the human population may not survive the next century and another group will live in fear, poverty and possibly anarchy.

Do I believe it's 2012? No. "Concerning that day and hour (the end) no one knows but the father...". However, will it be relatively soon (well within my life span)? I believe so.
I'll make a prediction,at 20.12 tomorrow I'm going to read this again,and LMAO.

That sounds like the words of a Cylon! So say we all !

Every one was worried about computers crashing on 2000 January 1st. Nothing happened. The real crash happened 2000 February 1st. One 1/2 of a major data acquisition software package decided the month has 28 days, the other 1/2 29. The factories, water treatment plants etc. kept working but details of what happened were not recorded for 2 weeks until a patch was provided.

Just like the weatherman. They can usually predict what will happen next but not when.

Remember a lot of Holland is below sea level (just like New Orleans). With the Gore-acle making everyone aware of rising sea levels, it is no wonder the Dutch are nervous.
Remember a lot of Holland is below sea level (just like New Orleans). With the Gore-acle :sssh: making everyone aware of rising sea levels, it is no wonder the Dutch are nervous.

Oh, now that actually makes sense...and I didn't know that much of Holland was below sea level. They and much of Europe have bought into the G.W. hype without doing any of their own verification. I'm waiting for the next mini-ice age beginning in my lifetime, and we will all see the real relationship is to the solar radiation cycles, and not caused by man.

I'm not saying that man has necessarily been a good influence on the earth from an ecological standpoint, but I'm confident in knowing that the universe has ways of dealing with the dinosaurs and other transient mammals.
I'd say the thread is now aimed directly at Underground material. Please continue the discussion there.
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