The Filet-o-fish with a bite, a Tigerlight story


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 1, 2002
Taxachusetts, USA
So I went to Staples to send some Tigerlights in for the 600-lumen upgrade and there's a McDonald's across the parking lot.

I try to avoid that but I'd missed lunch and it was nearly 4:00 so I swerved in for my usual desperate order of a Filet-o-fish with no cheese.

I returned the first that came with cheese and started munching down what I'd ordered. 3 bites left and my lips started to burn. I was thinking "Wait a minute -- Was the McDonald's crew trying to get me back for sending back my first sandwich just because it had that plastic stuff they call cheese? No, that's totally unrealistic." Maybe I'm allergic to seafood all of a sudden?

And my tongue started to burn, but in kind of a good way. Kinda like, well, like cayenne pepper.

Only 4 miles after I was done did it hit me -- DUH! I'M EATING PEPPER SPRAY! I had cleaned my Tigerlights before I shipped them. I washed my hands at least twice with dish soap after cleaning the things out, but the hot Filet-o-fish must be steaming out some cayenne from my fingers.

Man, that Fox spray ain't so bad... I hope... :green:
I was kicking myself for not wearing gloves. As soon as I realized what was going on I knew I'd better not rub my eyes. Gloves, next time...

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Speaking about pepper spray, I just bought a new one for my home. When I first received it I tested it outside and worked perfect. Some how when I closed the safety it got on my fingers. Now this is allergy season for me so when I went to rub my eye and blow my nose it took about a second for me to say holy $%# what did I just do. I was in so much pain my nose was running, eyes burning, and drooling!:mecry:

I will never handle it the same again.
excuse the noob question, but what does cleaning your lights have to do with pepper spray?

Speaking about pepper spray, I just bought a new one for my home. When I first received it I tested it outside and worked perfect. Some how when I closed the safety it got on my fingers. Now this is allergy season for me so when I went to rub my eye and blow my nose it took about a second for me to say holy $%# what did I just do. I was in so much pain my nose was running, eyes burning, and drooling!:mecry:

I will never handle it the same again.

OMG I hope it didn't take long before you were okay again.
LOL though! (But with lots of sympathy) It's that moment of realization ... when ... you figure it out.
Cayenne is quite good for the circulation and it's good for a lot of things when ingested. When taking an herbal class we were challenged to snort some of the really hot stuff. It really clears the head in a hurry that way :laughing: I seriously doubt if there is any harm in what little you got unless it had some really toxic carrier - which I doubt as that would make it unsafe for it's intended use and liable for lawsuits by the BG's.
Cayenne is quite good for the circulation and it's good for a lot of things when ingested. When taking an herbal class we were challenged to snort some of the really hot stuff. It really clears the head in a hurry that way :laughing: I seriously doubt if there is any harm in what little you got unless it had some really toxic carrier - which I doubt as that would make it unsafe for it's intended use and liable for lawsuits by the BG's.

The only things listed on the can were cayenne pepper and "ultraviolet dye," whatever thats composed of. I agree it'd probably be something inert or it'd open the door to lawsuits.
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I can hot peppers and once rubbed my eyes. Even after a day and several hand washings my eyes were burning. That stuff stays in you pores for quite some time.

Nice story. Next time get hot wings for lunch.
Been there, done that :D
Pepper spray is just chili oil suspended in some sort of alcohol (from the taste it's most likely not ethanol).

But yeah, gives a whole new meaning to nuclear wings :)
Just give them a couple minutes so the alcohol can evaporate.

About wearing gloves to the bathroom... you should check your fingers anyway after handling oc/chillies/hot sauces. Licked my fingers after rebottling some Vicious Viper (~120'000 SHU) in small EDC bottles, _after_ washing my hands. Man that was still hot.
Poured once a bit over my hand and didn't care to wash it off directly - it felt a burn on that spot for a week after that.
Always use soap...

(btw: eating hot is my #1 home remedy against 'clogged nose'... whats the english word for that?)